Here’s a quote from an excellent Mashable article on content marketing versus SEO:

Five years ago, it seemed nothing was as buzzy and mysterious as SEO. Today, “content marketing” has taken over as reigning buzzphrase in marketing circles, with many SEO practitioners shifting their sales pitches to match the trend.
The difference, essentially, is content marketing aims to create content humans want to read, whereas SEO aims to create content that pleases search engines.
What happened? Why are we switching from creating keyword-based content that would attract search engine spiders to having to be authentic, tell interesting stories and create value for our readers?
Well, as a writer and a marketer, I’m grateful for the change, even though it was caused by that creepy Mark Zuckerberg. That’s right, the shift in content consumption from purely search-driven to socially-shared was led by Facebook. But now Pinterest is a huge player in the game, stepping right up to other social-sharing modalities like Twitter, Yelp and LinkedIn. Continue reading →