The new house is coming along very well.
It is now fully wallpapered, permanently assembled and has a base, thanks to power assists from my husband and mom. The grooves in the floor are for the wiring for the lights.
Getting it put together wasn’t *hard*, per se, at least not in terms of structural complexity – but there were a lot of pieces that had to be glued in the right order, and the gluing had to happen all within a very short time.
The house itself is really superbly machined and designed, I can’t say enough good things about The Dolls House Workshop, where I bought it.
Any errors were mine, in terms of not quite lining up the wallpaper perfectly here and there, but luckily trim covers a multitude of sins.
If you’re willing to stain, sand and miter-cut it, that is!
Oh, how I hate staining, sanding and miter-cutting trim.

I also hate putting on dollhouse wallpaper, but it had to be done.
I used Streets Ahead dollhouse wallpaper paste for this house, instead of Yes! paste, and it did not have the greatest adhesion.
It was repositionable and didn’t warp the papers, though.
I skipped the step of spraying all the papers with matt fixative to strengthen and waterproof them this time, and I shouldn’t have, as they tore a little here and there when wet with paste. It was fixable or not noticeable, but that step is worth doing. I did the wallpapering before the final assembly of the house, on the panels, rather than once the house was assembled, like my first house.
I kind of think there are pros and cons to each way.
There was a huge amount of measuring and cutting, which I do not like.
I guess actually I like having a finished dollhouse to create a work of art in, and planning and choosing the components to build and decorate the dollhouse, but I don’t actually like the building the dollhouse at all. Ah well! It must be done!!
At least there’s no soldering now I’m using LED lights with battery converters. More about that next time.
Meanwhile, my beloved mama came to Berlin and brought the perfect 80s kitchen I found in Canada and had shipped to her (it would have cost about a million dollars to ship it here!) It arrived missing a piece but luckily I found that piece from a UK seller and it should get here this week.
I need to put a final coat on the front panels, install them, install the windows and front door, install the wiring for the lights, and then miter cut ten million pieces of ceiling trim and floor trim.
Oh and put the stairs together and install the floors and carpets and the ceiling paper and…
I still think it can be done by Christmas. I’d hate for the X-Men to spend another holiday in storage 🙂