I loved this row of reading women.
I wound up having to take a lot of transit this week cause I had medical tests at various doctors, so I had more unterwegs time. There were actually two more women, on either side of these three, also with bent heads reading screens or books, but only these three had bags with rectangular bases in their laps. I imagined the young woman on the right to be a fashion student or designer. She was wearing these cream-colored wide-legged pants that were so striking and unusual for January.
Here you can see me being mesmerized by all the textures and shapes of how people bundle up.
As I mentioned in the first unterwegs of this month, it blows my mind how wrapped up people stay on the warm train!
edit. to add one more train drawing, which I did on the way to yet another doctor appt!
Previous unterwegs below, all unterwegs courtesy of my Patrons on Patreon whose monthly financial support allows me to make this free art available!
February 2018 bonus round
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