Is she Hungry?
She IS Hungry! I drew Hungry last summer when I was a guest of Bushwig Berlin, and I got to meet her and see her incredible beauty up close. A total thrill! Working on the drawing afterward, trying to get her face right underneath the makeup and appliance, I really studied her facial structure; I had a lot of mental information stored.
So when she went on livestream to do a makeup tutorial last night, I felt confident I could do a meaningful drawing.
I finished the drawing at the top, from the stream, when her makeup was only half done, to focus on her features. The one above is the first one I did, like a warm-up. Hungry has a mullet now! A wonderful spiky feathery mullet, it’s an absolutely terrific cut. She said who cut it but I missed it. An unfortunate artifact of drawing from the screen is that her face came out slightly assymmetrical, when in life she is perfectly symmetrical. I haven’t learned yet how to hold my sketchbook and position my body when drawing from the screen. But I still like the drawings!
The livestream was so fun to watch, to see such complex makeup come to life. Hungry has a Patreon now, since she hasn’t been able to work and won’t be able to for who knows how long, and this kind of mesmerizing watching will be part of it.