The blessing of doing the work I love for over forty years.

I am delving in my art archives for the memorial book of my life’s work as a portraitist. Just now I found something uncanny.

Left, @stefanpeterharshman drawn in a Chelsea laundromat, NYC 1984. Right, @simplicityagent Ramon Yvarra painted in San Francisco in 2014. Two men I love dearly. Amazing, creative men who have done fantastic things in their cities for decades. I had no idea they were in the same pose til now!

I’m at peace with having a shorter lifetime, because I have been exactly who I am my entire life, and known and loved so many fantastic people, and made art of them.

As I wind down my life’s work and work on creating a book of my art, you can follow me on substack (free of course) for updates about the book, art bequests and more.

I am incredibly grateful to my Patreon Patronswhose monthly financial support in this final year makes it possible for me to document my art archives.

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