Author Archives: Suzanne Forbes

About Suzanne Forbes

Suzanne Forbes is a traditionally trained figurative artist who makes documentary art of queer culture and Berlin life. She also works in mixed media. She is a former New Yorker who immigrated to Berlin with her third husband and their two cats. Her work is crowdfunded by the support of her Patrons on Patreon; you could help! In previous lives Suzanne was a graffiti artist in downtown NY, a courtroom artist for CBS and CNN, a penciller for DC Comics on Star Trek, and a live-drawing chronicler of Bay Area alternative culture.

In Piedmont, California, license plate cameras guard wealthy enclave. Yuck.

Creative Commons photo by Matteo X/oceanaris on Flickr Say you live in a tony hamlet that happens to be embedded in Criminaltown, USA.

Like, literally, your little town of million-dollar-plus homes is entirely surrounded by the city with the highest robbery rate in the United States.

You’ve already got your own school district, police and fire departments, and your property taxes don’t go into the coffers of those hooligan Oaklanders.

What else can you do to protect the borders of your Forbidden City? Continue reading

“…Turnkey Tyranny.” And the screen goes black.

I just watched the video of Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, with my boyfriend. He looks like any of our cute, smart young friends in the security industry; we know quite a few guys like him. But he’s also special, because he’s done something that appears to be very, very brave.

I don’t think he’s a plant, or a Chinese spy, or a sociopath who wants attention. I also don’t think the data he leaked is a big deal, because I’m a tad jaded and always figured Panopticon was the status quo. Plus, as David Simon very intelligently explains, wholesale recording is nothing new. It’s actual listening without court orders that’s the really bad news, in terms of the wheels coming off our whole freedom deal.

But I believe that Edward Snowden feels he saw wrongdoing that was poisonous and that he had to make public. I believe he is a badass geek with a fine brain and serious principles. The video is absolutely tight, an incredibly well-stated message from a thoroughly articulate thinker who appears to have stepped up and given away the life he had for his principles. It takes Fox-level signal corruption to in any way construe that this guy wanted to give aid and comfort to anybody, let alone enemies of the nation.

I saw this article from The Atlantic and it happened to have to a sidebar with the header, “Millennials vs. Earlier Generations”. I didn’t watch the video, even though it appears to a straightforward economic projection, because I’m already plenty sick of hearing subtext about how Millennials are lazy and entitled. As a Generation X’er, I’ve dated Millennials for the last fifteen years, because I think they’re amazing. Millennials are the NOS turbocharger for the 21st Century, and Edward Snowden just flipped the switch.