Category Archives: Berlin

Puck the Hare at Adenauerplatz redux!

Puck the Hare at Adenauerplatz Suzanne Forbes May 7 2022Had a lovely visit and draw with Beloved Friend, Muse and Patron Puck the Hare!

Puck kindly posed for me in adorbs bunny gear and makeup. While we discussed an exciting project that I will be talking about more publicly soon! Puck is not making the “Lucky Cat” (maneki-neko) gesture, I just happened to draw her arm up 🙂

More Puck drawings:

Previous Adenauerplatz sitting

The first Torture Garden Berlin

Last Days of the Bassy Club

At Kit-Kat

Adenauerplatz portrait series continues with New Berliner Lani!

Lani at Adenauerplatz by Suzanne Forbes April 29 2022 smLani is a New Berliner, but an old friend!

Lani and their spouse Rob have visited Berlin before, and stayed with us, years ago. I immediately connected with Lani over our shared interest in comics, goth fashion and many other things.

I was so excited to resume my Adenauerplatz portrait series on a just-warm-enough April day with Lani. And so happy to make Lani’s portrait, which I’ve wanted to do forever!

Lani at Adenauerplatz by Suzanne Forbes April 29 2022 sm detailWe have been hoping for years that Lani and Rob would move here, and now they have!

And, Lani kicked so much ass at the flat-search that they actually FOUND a super-sweet flat in a super-convenient area right by the party tram. So our friends have a home in Berlin!

Lani is going to be my support person/carer at the Big Gay Wedding this month. We will be fabulously dressed.

Happy news for hard times. You can follow Lani on Insta for hot goth club looks, Berlin snacks, and the cutest art!

So grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making art as a vaccinated but Covid-vulnerable disabled person.

With your support, I can work from home or safely outside and keep telling the stories of Berlin.