Category Archives: Berlin

Imbolg Crown, finished!

Imbolg Crown 2022 by Suzanne ForbesSometimes, to make the things I’m gonna make, I have to make them to figure out how I’m gonna make them.

This was definitely one of those situations! In the freezing January of 2021 I had a vision of a green glittering crown, made of beads and Angelina Fantasy Film and UV resin. I imagined that it would sit lightly on the head like wings, or crawling ivy.

On Imbolc/Imolg 2021 I posted the first stage.

Imbolg Crown of UV resin and Angelina Fantasy Film 2022 by Suzanne Forbes processInitially there were two wing-like structures, one of beads and crystals and floral wire and one of lighter wire and Angelina Fantasy Film.

Above you can see the two sections held together in front of February snow, 2021; the fused and completed crown, with late January snow, 2022, and the finished crown on Imbolg 2022, when sunlight burst onto our balcony for the first time in months.

Imbolg Crown 2022 by Suzanne Forbes detailDuring the summer of 2021, I spent many hours on the balcony in the sun, applying tinted UV resin and crystals to each section.

Once each section was completely decorated and strengthened with resin, I fused the sections together with beaded wire and UV resin.

Imbolg Crown 2022 by Suzanne Forbes assemblyUnlike all my other headdress projects, I wanted this crown to be light, and also stable!

Somehow I decided that a lightweight headband could secure it while the actual structure rested on the wearer’s hair. So I ordered a thin green headband and attached it to the two wing-like structures of floral wire, using ribbon and resin-covered wire loops so it would be mobile.

Imbolg Crown 2022 by Suzanne Forbes sideI added some bright green organza ribbon that had been awaiting its destiny for at least two decades.

The organza ribbons can be braided into hair to secure the crown, or used with bobby pins to hold it.Imbolg Crown 2022 by Suzanne Forbes worn by the artist

The Spring WILL come.

If you are interested in Imbolg and Brigid, and other Irish and Celtic spiritual traditions, check out Berlin-based Irishwoman Dee Mulroney!

She is the power behind Growler and an incredible visual artist and storyteller and ritual-maker. The work she does is a vital source of strength and cultural connection for me. She will be making fine art prints of her beautiful drawings available soon!

Another collaboration with my eternal muse, Sadie Lune!

Sadie Lune as the Lamp of Spring by Suzanne Forbes Feb 15 2022I always get excited about making a picture of Sadie Lune.

We have worked together so long and so fruitfully that I know our synergy can transcend the limitations of zoom. I know whatever I’m thinking about, Sadie will get it and bring it home! I had an idea for this session, because I have been drawn to a lot of fantasy tv lately.

Even though fantasy as a genre is a huge part of my history – my father read The Hobbit and LOTR to me as a child, just for starters – I identify as a Science Fiction person, not a Fantasy person. I read and watch primarily SF, and have since I discovered Larry Niven as a young teen.

Sadie Lune as the Lamp of Spring by Suzanne Forbes Feb 15 2022 detailHowever, recently I’ve been more obsessed with costume design and textiles than ever!

Casual Elf Sadie Lune in Berlin Feb 15 2022

Casual Elf Sadie Lune selfie in Berlin, Feb 15 2022

I have watched a lot of fantasy shows and movies that turned out to have pretty wonderful femme characters. There’s Wheel of Time, The Witcher, Cursed, and more.

I wanted to draw Sadie as a fantasy priestess, and she absolutely nailed the look! Her makeup and hair and outfit and props were amazing.

As we have passed through Imbolg (see next post for my big Imbolg project!) the weather and light have really changed, and Spring is coming.

I am more interested in transparent media and soft tools than I have ever been, and I use my watercolor brush pens more, as I did in this piece.

Luminous greens will be everywhere soon, and Sadie is the harbinger here.

My previous portrait of Sadie, on a very cold Fall day. You can learn about Sadie’s work on her (NSFW) website. And here’s her Insta, and her twitter . My flickr gallery of drawings and paintings of Sadie is here!

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making art as a vaccinated but Covid-vulnerable disabled person.

With your support, I can work from home or safely outside and keep telling the stories of Berlin.