Category Archives: Berlin

Drawing dear friends on the plaza.

M and A on the plaza by Suzanne Forbes Sept 27 2021Our friends Meredith and Andrea came to the West to see us!

Hub and I geared up in our masks and face shields, and enjoyed the company of two longtime friends. Although we knew them before we moved here – my husband has known Meredith for many years – M & A are huge part of our life in Berlin.

So many New Year’s days here have begun with them tumbling in at 4am, hungry and exhausted, Andrea yelling, “I claim this sofa in the name of Sappho!” and instantly passing out, while Meredith hit the balcony for Club Mate.

They came to see us earlier this year, for a park visit and mini wake. The security community has a very high fatality rate; I think four people they and my husband knew had died that month. I am so grateful for the resilience and stubborn strength of these two.

And for M’s longtime support and Patronage, which helps me be able to make art, as a disabled and vulnerable (but fully vaxxed!) person.

You can help me tell the stories of Berlin, too!

More meet-and-draw, with the most stylish woman in Berlin!

Bindy at Adenauerplatz by Suzanne Forbes Sept 14 2021The chic-est in Berlin! I always think of Bindy that way, her style just knocks me out.

I drew her once before, at Drink and Draw Berlin, an event and community she helped create. I was so glad to get to hang out with her and talk and draw on a quiet Fall day. She is a native Berliner, quite unusual – Berlin is like NY in that people come here but are rarely from here!

Bindy is an artist, musician, MUA and scientist, plus the only other woman in town who says “FUCK!” as much as I do.

Bindy at Adenauerplatz with U by Suzanne Forbes Sept 14 2021We met up near my home, at Adenauerplatz, to draw and chat.

Bindy calls this look a “Monochromatic vampire slayer” look and you can find a tutorial on her makeup feed. You can follow her on Insta for music updates, and also check out her soundcloud!

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making art as a vaccinated but Covid-vulnerable disabled person.

With your support, I can work from home or safely outside and keep telling the stories of Berlin.