Category Archives: Berlin

The 60th Birthday show of legendary Berlin Drag King Bridge Markland!

Bridge Markland as Sascha for 60th Birthday special Feb 20 2021 by Suzanne ForbesOf course, Bridge Markland is far more than a Drag King.

Bridge, who I have drawn many times, is a performer in the classic tradition, a clown and puppeteer and artist’s model and archivist of Queer Berlin culture. She is an actor who can bring the ghosts of Weimar to life when inhabited by the spirit of Anita Berber, and a dancer who can grind it industrial. Sascha, above, is one of her classic characters!

And Bridge is a welcoming signpost to the young gender performers of Berlin.

Bleach for Bridge Markland 60th Birthday special Feb 20 2021 by Suzanne ForbesShe has a wonderful relationship with the Venus Boys and several joined her onstage.

Bleach, above, did a delicate transform into an ivory slip dress and loose blonde curls. I tried to capture the way their feminine beauty was visible even before the masculine drag was removed.

I am always excited to draw the amazing Venus Boys, “a collective of Berlin based Drag performers who paint from the palette of performative masculinity”.

Here’s a post about Bridge and Buba Sababa performing together last year.

Bridge Markland 60th Birthday special Feb 20 2021 by Suzanne ForbesBridge Markland, throwing away gender norms since 1995!

You love to see it. Bridge has a legendary tongue, this drawing does not exaggerate it!

It was a joy to document this show.


I am incredibly grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s drag and burlesque performers while I work safely at home.

Lola Rose’s Second Annual Black History (Herstory, Theirstory) Shows!

Miss Lola Rose has made this February bright with her three week long Second Annual Black History Show!

Tipsy Bear Berlin is closed for the second German lockdown, but that doesn’t stop Miss Lola. This show features Lola Rose streaming her live performance from the TB stage and hosting some of Berlin’s incredible Black performers via video. Previous Lola at TB drawing here!

The show has been held over another week and has one more episode, Weds Feb 17 on the Tipsy Bear twitchstream!

Gorgeous FKA, seen below, is on sound in the booth and performs as well.

FKA for Lola Rose Second Annual Black History Show by Suzanne Forbes Feb 10 2021I love to draw FKA!

Somehow this multitalented superstar always comes out like a cartoon superheroine.

Akynos Ice Cream by Suzanne Forbes feb 10 2021The Incredible, Edible Akynos shared her “Ice Cream” video.

This is the PG beginning of it – it gets very exciting! Akynos is one of the Black Berlin performers who has a Patreon. Fellow white people, if you can support white friends on Patreon, you can add some support for Black and BIPOC creators! Follow Akynos and check out the important performer and sw activist work she does: linktree and on Insta and twitter too!

Godx Noirphiles by Suzanne Forbes Feb 10 2021

This is the indelible, blazing GodXXX Noirphiles from a performance video I saw for the first time during this show.

It was recorded in Munich in 2019, and you can really see GodXXX impact the audience. Rarely have I seen minds so blown. GodXXX Noirphiles also has a GetThemPaidtreon!

He/she/they are posting incredible new work, like this video on Precolonial Black Queer and Trans History and their groundbreaking Queer Birthing Series. You can help support this new parent, House of Living Colors mama, and powerful creative! Linktree here, Insta here!

Deni Rose by Suzanne Forbes Feb 17 2021I loved the piece Lola’s Drag Niece Deni Rose created for the show.

The storytelling, the dancing, the bath with chandelier earrings – Deni Rose is amazing.

There’s a money pool for the performers of this show here!

I am incredibly grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue to work safely at home, documenting Queer Berlin.

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose.