Category Archives: Berlin

My removable holographic vinyl and crystal decorative face shield tiara!

Removable holographic vinyl and crystal decorative face shield crown by Suzanne Forbes 2I made this quite early in lockdown, probably April, and have been using it all year!

It’s made out of holographic vinyl, cut into decorative shapes and glued together, with crystals and snakeskin pvc and jellie rhinestones.

Removable holographic vinyl and crystal decorative face shield crown by Suzanne Forbes 2I used glitter glue gun to stick parts of it together!

I am wearing a face mask made by Beloved Friend-Muse-Patron Shakrah Yves!

Removable holographic vinyl and crystal decorative face shield crown by Suzanne Forbes 2The holo vinyl tiara is flexible, and wraps around the plastic face shield brow piece.

I cut holes that line up with the studs on the brow piece and fastened it onto the studs.

Removable holographic vinyl and crystal decorative face shield crown by Suzanne Forbes 2Then the clear plastic face shield just pops over the same studs!

The face shield portion can be easily switched if it needs to be replaced, and of course the tiara part can be easily switched to a different brow piece, as long as it has the same array of studs. If I were making another, I would definitely make a vinyl base and fit it to the brow piece, test the face shield, then decorate it, as this one wrinkles a little under the face shield.

Removable holographic vinyl and crystal decorative face shield crown by Suzanne Forbes 2I was gonna wear it for a remote photoshoot with a local photographer, to help normalize wearing face shields and face coverings.

But I decided to give them money to do shoots with BIPOC folx instead. So this project was in un-shared limbo, and now I’m documenting it and sharing 🙂

I do really love the idea of custom snazzy faceshields, and want to see more! Gieza Poke did marvelous customizations with face shields during the fall IRL return of the Poke House to Monster Ronsons, you can see one here. Fashion face shields for all!


The coolest Goths in town: Christina Corpse and Antina Christ!

Christina Corpse for Poke House and Pansys House of Presents livestream October 31 2020 by Suzanne ForbesI adore gorgeous gothic newlyweds Christina Corpse and Antina Christ.

They have the most creative style, the wildest performances, the sharpest aesthetic. Above is Christina from one of Gieza’s Poke House livestreams this past summer, when it seemed like Christina and Antina had a new mini-movie for every show. It took me forever to finish this drawing because I loved the performance so much, I wanted to live up to it! The movies these two spooky cuties made this year would be an art-house smash reel (when there are arthouses again; in Berlin, there will be).

Christina is a visual artist as well as performer and moviemaker, and does cartoons and illustrations for benefits and events in the drag community! Christina is married to Antina Christ, the Daughter of Seitan. (It never gets old, I still laugh every time I read it). They perform together as well as separately. You can see their adorable Coin-Operated Boy duet here in the archives of Christina’s shows!

Antina Christ for Pansys House of Presents livestream November 26 2020 by Suzanne ForbesAntina’s performances are all different.

This one was glitchy and mime-y. Mesmerizing! Antina is a legacy member of the House of Presents, and has performed many times; here are other drawings of her at Monster Ronsons and from the summer of livestreams.

Antina Christ at Pansys House of Presents November 26 2020 by Suzanne ForbesHere Antina read us a very moving piece about queerness and gender identity.

She always looks so pretty, with the most gorgeous hair and makeup (“Priestess from another planet, but make it ooky-spooky!” she describes it) and cutest dresses.

Antina Christ at Pansys House of Presents October 31 2020 by Suzanne ForbesThis was Antina’s Halloween show!

Halloween this year was the last IRL Poke House/House of Presents show at beloved Berlin clubhouse Monster Ronsons. Maybe the last ever, if things go badly. So I am very glad that it was a knockout of a show, and was livestreamed for accessibility. Antina did a slasher revue!

Antina’s regular Insta is here, her MUA account is here, and her website is here. Christina’s insta is here, her Youtube channel is here, and her graphic work is here. I am honored to share a community and a city with these incredibly multi-talented beauties.

I am incredibly grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me work safely at home, documenting Berlin performers.