Category Archives: Berlin

An especially marvelous House of Presents livestream!

Martini for Pansys House of Present by Suzanne Forbes April 28 2020Some fabulous people performed for Gieza’s Poke House and Pansy’s House of Presents last Tuesday.

Favorite muses of mine and new-to-me stars. I was NOT planning to draw during the livestreams of Gieza’s Poke House and Pansy’s House of Presents, as my body is still jacked up from an autoimmune flare, but the performers were so gorgeous and inspiring I couldn’t fight the feeling. Above, breathtaking Martini Cherry Furter, who is a performer, Master of Ceremony, and all around muse. You can see the video capture of Martini’s Sade tribute here! Past Martini drawings here, here and here!

Giezzica Rabbit Poke for Poke House and Pansys House of Presents livestream April 28 2020 Suzanne ForbesGieza was Giezzica Rabbit, which slayed me.

I mean you gotta love the look! Follow Gieza on Insta here , start your Tuesday night drag odyssey here on her Twitch, and check out her website for so many cool things (there’s some fabulous looks on display as well as amazing projects!)

The Tuesday night drag show starts at 21:00 CET on Gieza’s Twitch stream, then switches (huh huh huh) effortlessly from Gieza’s to Pansy’s – you are carried along with an international crowd going WOOO in the chat! Join us!!

Mima for Poke House livestream April 28 2020 Suzanne Forbes

Above, the divine Mirna Habibi danced like a vision.

I adore bellydancers and have so much respect for the dancers I am coming to know through House of Presents on Tuesday nights. Many are queer refugees and asylum seekers who had to teach themselves to dance and cannot live in their true gender while in refugee housing.

Did you know sexypants charmer Prince Emrah has been doing bellydance workshops on Instagram? follow for news!

Alexander Cameltoe for Pansys House of Presents livestream April 28 2020 Suzanne ForbesIntergalactic Trash Prince Alexander Cameltoe!

A performer and silicon sculpting artist I adore and haven’t drawn nearly as often as I’d like to.

FKA for Pansys House of Presents livestream April 28 2020 Suzanne ForbesI had not drawn FKA before!

Such an amazingly sexy performance, in broad daylight in full drag in an isolated industrial part of Berlin. Follow here and listen to the FKA sound here.

Noeline la Bouche for Pansys House of Presents Suzanne Forbes April 28 2020And the last drawing but never, never least: my eternal inspiration Noéline la Bouche!

Gosh it was good to see Noéline, who is such a muse to me, dancing again. Even with the body censorship imposed by the streaming platform! Follow here, site here, and my other Noéline drawings here, here, here here and here!

The incredibly popular Drag Saves Lives shirts and totes are back in stock at Pansy’s shop. These shirts are seen all over Berlin, including while redacted at redacted. In Pansy’s words:

“Proceeds directly support local drag performers and help keep a scene alive in Berlin. Drag has saved me, what about you?

Our shows have been forced to close for the foreseeable future while Germany is on quarantine. This puts many performers and artists in financial danger with no unemployment security.

Most of us are non-EU immigrants and are not eligible for state support in this weird time. Proceeds from the sale of this shirt will keep us alive until we can get back on stage.

My goal is to be able to continue to pay my performers the fees from the cancelled shows. Addtionally, I want to be able to provide our home Monster Ronson’s with a donation to help them survive as well. Thank you!”

There’s also a beautiful navy/hot pink Pansy’s shirt. Shop to support intersectional Berlin Drag!

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s queer performers and releasing the art free to all, while I work safely at home.

edited to add drawing of the glorious Luna TikTok, one of my favorites performers and one of the most gorgeous people in Berlin! which might be from this show, or from the previous week’s! It gets kinda blurry sometimes!Luna TikTok for Pansys House of Presents livestream April 14 2020 by Suzanne Forbes




April 11 livestream portraits: The Beige Biitch, GodxNoirphiles and the Velvet Creepers!

The Beige Biitch April 9 2020 by Suzanne ForbesI have been drawing more than one livestream some nights!

Above, The Beige Biitch in a stream put on by radically inclusive performance center Sophiensaele.

Amazing performer GodX Noirphiles was a guest on the show and did a fantastic performance. I want you to know Godxxx, who is an enormously popular performer and Mother of drag house House of Living Colors, has lost all expected show income while they are pregnant so—

GodxNoirphiles for the Beige Biitch April 9 2020 by Suzanne ForbesFor fuck’s sake if you can, donate to the Doula Fund for this single trans boi mama!!

Above, my attempt to capture Godxxx’s piece. It was so beautiful and fascinating to try and draw a piece that had layering and texture and digital glitch, and started black and white and then transformed into color, and I had a great experience! Please check Godxxx’s Drag King Don’t Rush challenge, you will faint. Godxxx aka Adrian Blount is doing a Youtube series on Queer Birthing!

EDIT Jan 2120: GodXXXNoirphiles has a Patreon and you can support their art and the Queer Birthing series, which is a radical and historic project.

And you can give funds to help their baby have a lush nursery right here.

Nana Schewitz and Fifi Fantome livestreams for Velvet Creepers by Suzanne Forbes April 11 2020Then, I popped over to The Velvet Creepers’ livestream!

Here’s Nana Schewitz guest hosting with Fifi Fantôme of the Velvet Creepers ! Fifi Fantôme is very active during quarantine and you can check out her Insta for when she is teaching and check out her Patreon for performance tips, art and treats! I don’t know why Fifi and Nana had heads on sticks but I liked the heads on sticks.

Muse Dunja von K did spooky hooping!

Dunja von K for Velvet Creepers by Suzanne Forbes April 11 2020Dunja is teaching her famous hula hoop classes online!

You can get moving with her here.

Lilly Mortis for Velvet Creepers by Suzanne Forbes April 11 2020And Lilly Mortis was a poignant, creepy vintage clown.

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s queer performers and release the art free to all, while I work safely at home.