Category Archives: Berlin

Last drawings of the year – fabulous drag performers of course!

Adele Computer performs at Bushwig Berlin Dec 30 2019 by Suzanne ForbesHere are some more glamorous folx from Bushwig Berlin, where I drew the most performers in a single day ever!

Seriously, I still have a couple left to finish, and there are THREE other Bushwig Berlin posts! Above is the marvelous Adele Computer, so sassy and so spectacular.

Sasha Kills at Bushwig Berlin Dec 30 2019 by Suzanne ForbesAbove with the swan and the shark, Sasha Kills, whose performance “MALIBU” included both inflatable beach gear and blood.Performer at Bushwig Berlin Dec 30 2019 by Suzanne ForbesPerformer 2 at Bushwig Berlin Dec 30 2019 by Suzanne Forbes

Performer at Bushwig Berlin Dec 30 2019 by Suzanne ForbesTrying to get ahold of credits and links for the other four performers, so if anybody knows, let me know!

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose. Thanks to the chill-as-heck venue Festsaal Kreuzberg. And to Bushwig for having me!

As a fat, queer, disabled artist, crowdfunded support is the only way I can make this work and release it for free. 

You can join my Patreon Patrons, for as little as a dollar/euro a month, to keep me working and releasing my documentary art of Queer Berlin as Free Art.

December 2019 Unterwegs: Buff Gay Lovebirds and Cannibal Kids!

Child eats dads head unterwegs by Suzanne Forbes Dec 17 2019I saw this sweet family on the bus one night recently.

Apparently, when you have a child, they sometimes try to eat your head. And the child’s mother thinks it’s funny, so there’s no help there.

Buff lovebirds on the U Bahn by uzanne Forbes Dec 2 2019I saw these buff sweethearts on the subway this summer, then the drawing languished unfinished til December!

They were happy to pose and I gave them my card, I hope they‘re not disappointed it took a while to get posted!

I am so grateful that the monthly financial support of my Patreon Patrons makes it possible for me to document Berlin people like this.

I believe these people and their stories matter, and I’m able to make these drawings and share them because I’m crowdfunded and can be flexible in managing my limited resources. Click here to help, for as little as a dollar/euro per month.