Category Archives: Berlin

Bushwig Berlin 2019 – more incredible performers!

Amber Alert at Bushwig Berlin Sept 17 2019 by Suzanne ForbesI was honored to be a guest of international NY/Berlin drag festival Bushwig this summer.

The lineup was astonishing, and I stayed in my stageside seat by the piano, supported by kind stranger Arthur, for a good six or seven hours. There was no way I was leaving before drawing Hungry and Betty Fvck!

Check out Amber Alert, above! What a stunner! Amber talks about the early days of Brooklyn’s innovative drag scene and her drag journey here on Huffpost.

Rhama at Bushwig Berlin Sept 17 2019 by Suzanne ForbesRhama is so lovely!

An elegant nonbinary singer and dancer, you can see them on youtube here. Their latex dress is by a designer named Florian Máthé.

Wanda Cookie at Bushwig Berlin Sept 17 2019 by Suzanne ForbesHere’s Wanda Cookie, having a spectacular tantrum!

I really appreciate all the performers who traveled to be here in Berlin.

And I don’t know this performer’s name or links but I’m working on it 🙂

Thanks to the chill-as-heck venue Festsaal Kreuzberg. And to Bushwig for having me! And to DJ Hannah Lou, an incredible professional who managed the music for a huge lineup impeccably.

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose.

As a fat, queer, disabled artist, crowdfunded support is the only way I can make this work and release it for free. 

You can join my Patreon Patrons, for as little as a dollar/euro a month, to keep me working and releasing my documentary art of Queer Berlin as Free Art.

Scenes around town: In the Warteraum.

Lady in the waiting room Sept 4 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThere’s nothing as convenient for us ladies of a certain age as a rack of pamphlets to fan ourselves with!

Perimenopause is a journey of arriving in rooms that are much hotter than you could possibly anticipate, like my GP’s office last Wednesday.

Warteraum paperwork filler outer Sept 7 2019 Suzanne ForbesDoctor’s offices mean paperwork everywhere, particularly in Germany!

In our orthopedist’s Thursday I had to sign a stack of papers for my upcoming knee surgery. Including a prescription for crutches – the co-pay is 5 euros, and some Germans find this outrageous!!!! Our orthopedist is a hilariously brusque guy. When I told him I didn’t want a prescription for opiate painkillers, he was like, “HA HA we don’t give you those! Live with it! Use ice!!” Which is fine. My pain level after my previous surgery here was negligible.

Warteraum reader Sept 7 2019 Suzanne ForbesThis guy!

What a character, right? Always bring a book!

In the 80s my boyfriend Paul and I had this thing, not a joke thing, about always carrying a paperback. In case you were arrested copping and stuck in the Tombs for a 72-hour hold. When I did get popped during a sweep in January of 1989, just two weeks before I got sober, I was so glad to have that paperback in my pocket. I read it three times over as I detoxed cold turkey in the jammed cell. It was either Larry Niven or Norman Spinrad, and it was not very good. For decades I remembered the exact title, even though I never read it again, but I have now finally forgotten it.

My documentary drawings of everyday Berlin life are courtesy of my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support allows me to make this free art available
