Category Archives: Embroidery &Mixed Media Art

Crown party

Over the last two years I bought the materials to make a Snow Queen crown, corset, sleigh, reindeer, skirt and figurine. Now that all those are done, I find I *cough* kind of overshot the mark on supplies. crown partyThis happens when you are a craft hoarder.

What to do with those all those opalescent Swarovski crystals, Sri Lankan SnowQueencrownsmoonstones and soft white rabbit fur?

I have made five extra crowns, for your Frozen cosplay or burlesque act or Elsa-obsessed baby niece.

Because weakness makes me uncomfortable and entropy makes me angry, they are made with my patent over-engineered construction and are sturdy as fuck.

I don’t know how the Day of The Dead crown snuck in, but it is for sale too.

UPDATE: Sorry they are all sold!


SnowQueenCrownsForSaleDOTD Crown

10/25 & 26- Suzanne’s Halloween Pop-Up Art & More store

Have you ever wondered what happened to that drawing I made of you or your friend at Dickens or Hubba-Hubba or Folsom or Decompression or the Upper Floor?Suzanne Forbes art

Have you ever thought, I’d like to get one of those drawings Suzanne made from 2005 to 2012, before she leaves town?

Are you one of those people who’ve been telling me for years to sell the other things I make besides drawings and paintings- the dolls and embroidery and costume jewelry and hats?

Do you need some really creepy gothy earrings for House of Usher?

Would you just like to come over and eat cupcakes and hang out?

If any of those things describes you, please stop by our house on Saturday October 24th from noon to 9pm (you can go straight to the Uptown, it’s just a few blocks away) or Sunday October 25th from 2pm to 7pm. I’ll have all the drawings (hundreds) from ’05-’12 plus some paintings for sale, as well as all my crazy other projects.

LEGThere will be prints and pendants of the Children of Evilness series, very popular for the gothic nursery, and prints of Defending the Electronic Frontier, my EFF benefit painting.Defending the Electronic Frontier by Suzanne Forbes

The first two people to find a drawing of themselves each day will receive the drawing as a gift from me!

I’ll have the last three Anatomical Heart of Gold necklaces, Disco Trilobites, Cthulhu wine charms, and so much more! Stocking stuffers for all your people, Halloween jewelry to wear to work, and lots of creepy skeleton dollies in corsets!

If you’d like to come, email me, comment here or RSVP to the Facebook invite for address!6034123959_1528f62ea7_mphoto 1 (2)Horribella 2photo 5 (5)The Gack SistersHuntressphoto 2 (4)