Archives post: the physical, muscular, neurological process of learning to draw.

archives drawings 1990s rachel ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes gestureI went to a lot of art schools.

Horse Drawing by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1977 at Art Students League.

Horse Drawing by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1977 at Art Students League.

I was in the last generation of people who reasonably expected to earn a living as commercial illustrators, doing realistic hand-drawn art.

I displayed drawing talent from a very young age and my narcissist father seized on this as a way I would be successful and famous. He wanted me to be educated, so I could “be the best”, and he began to pay for my art tutoring and then classes from age seven.

As a kid, I knew so many professional illustrators, like my father’s girlfriend Susan, and professional artists, like my best friend Victoria’s mom J. Nebraska Gifford, and so many more.

As a kid, I just assumed I was gonna be an artist as a JOB. Not the job I wanted – I wanted to be a jockey!- but as the thing I would logically do, because aptitude for one. and already too tall for the other.

While from age seven to seventeen my career intentions changed a little – first, a horse book illustrator like Sam Savitt, then a fantasy book artist like Pauline Baynes, then a New York Times fashion illustrator, then a comic book artist – the need to draw realistically and well never did.

archives drawing 1984 Arts Sudents League by rachel ketchum aka suzanne forbesIf you wanted to learn to draw well in most of the 20th century, your training started with the figure. 

After I dropped out of Stuyvesant on the advice of my guidance counselor at 16, I went back to the Art Students League. I took figure drawing classes during the day, when I managed to get there, and shoplifted James Bond books at Coliseum Books.

How did I go from these timid little umber conté crayon figures made at the League in 1984, above, to the drawing at the top of this post, made at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 1991? Parsons

Figure Drawing female spine line by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1984 or 85In the fall of ’84 I took fashion illustration extension classes at Parsons, a mile walk from the apartment in Chelsea where I grew up.

It was shocking! Gesture drawing hit me like a nuclear bomb. The idea of drawing the figure from the inside out, from the line of action, was electrifying to me. I was so locked up, so rigid, from the League, with my Rapidographs and my delicate line. And suddenly I had to draw with my whole arm, with my wrong hand, with my eyes closed. Transformative!

In January of 1985, when I turned 18, I matriculated as a full-time student in the Parsons Illustration Program. I had just decided to become a comic book artist, and I was there to learn SO HARD!

The teachers at Parsons in the 80s were tremendous.

They would tear you apart to make you draw better. And sometimes literally tear your drawing in half, if you were being lazy or imitating your own clichés!

Figure Drawing male by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1985Can you imagine a drawing teacher walking up behind a student and tearing up their drawing, today??

I loved it. 

We had to take up the whole 18×24 or 24×36 inch newsprint page, we had always get the feet in, we had to do 20 one-minute gesture drawings to start every class, we had to draw with all the bravery and power in our hearts!

Figure Drawing female values by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1986Having to fill the whole 18″ x 24″ or 24″ by 36″ sheet of newsprint with huge sweeps of charcoal released the messy, punk power of my drawing.

(and then later working in comics locked it back up – I’m still trying to release it again, much harder in my weakened, disabled body! But that’s another story.)

The part of me that was a graffiti artist, used to moving fast on rough surfaces, began to breath fire as a draughtswoman.

Figure Drawing pelvis by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1986Discovering contour drawing, mass drawing, value drawing – these were revelations.

The truth is, I have always been best as a draughtswoman, and the more precise I get, the more strength I lose.

At the same time as I started full time at Parsons, I also started reading “How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way.”

What a bible! What a banger of a book! Good lord I’m afraid to look at it, though it is on the shelf, for fear of some horrible problematic surprise. 

I loved drawing at Parsons so much. But I was put on academic suspension in 1987, after I vomited bright orange painkillers all over the place during the queue for course registration.

So I went to the School of Visual Arts for a semester. Which was also a great school, then, though sadly I was so wasted and strung out at that point I almost never made it to class. 

Then I went to treatment in St. Paul, and the only art school in town was The Minneapolis College of Art and Design, MCAD.

I wound up on the Fine Art track at MCAD because it was the place where the figure drawing was.

And figure painting, as it turned out! Which was an adventure I never expected to go on.

Figure Drawing female by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1990As I’ve said many times, being a terrific draughtswoman was already a dated skill by 1990.

I got sober and went to an art school where nobody could draw. Illustration had turned to early computer-based work and stylization; Fine Art was focused on the conceptual.

Figure Drawing perspective by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum probably 1990I liked to go into life drawing class at MCAD and just smash the place up anyway.

I’d be there knocking out figure drawings that left everyone else in the dust, and nobody cared. Except my friend Al Pepin, my peer and equal! In my last year at MCAD, Al and I were standing up for figurative art.

Being reconnected with Al via his Instagram is a blessing of recent years. He can still draw like hell.

End of Part One.


My perfect IRL drawing comeback show: The Sinner’s Saloon from Felicity Felicis!

Felicity Felicis at The Sinners Saloon at Crack Bellmer Berlin by Suzanne Forbes May 15 2023 webSince my self-prescribed and Berlin-drag-performer-delivered MECFS antiviral meds are working so well, I went back out to work!

I was very much helped by the fact that I could travel with our dear friend Daniel Paikov, a fellow documentary artist who records Queer Berlin in photographs.

And I was welcomed and supported by The Sinner’s Saloon producer Felicity Felicis, above! Felicity is one of Berlin’s great cabaret performers; she’s also the magic behind productions like TSS and The Theatre of Leeds. Her website is here!

I love to draw her IRL and also jumped in online when she was modeling for Sketcherei not long ago.

Misty Lotus performs at The Sinners Saloon at Crack Bellmer Berlin by Suzanne Forbes April 19 2023 web editWhen I saw the performer list for this show, I HAD TO BE THERE.

Misty Lotus is one of my very favorite burlesque stars. Misty is based in Switzerland, and is a producer, performer, fire-eater and doyenne of the Swiss Burlesque Academy.

Misty Lotus performs at The Sinners Saloon at Crack Bellmer Berlin by Suzanne Forbes May 25 2023Misty did two acts; her Ursula is incredible!

I first drew Misty at the incredible 2019 Berlin Burlesque Week, a wonderfully rich series of shows that also included a powerful social justice education panel.

Bishop Black at the Sinners Saloon by Suzanne Forbes Bishop Black is another absolute Berlin legend I love to draw.

I’ve drawn them modeling for Dr. Sketchy’s Berlin several times and workshop-modeling for Shine Louise Houston, but this was the first time I drew them dancing! This performance involved kinetic movement, self-tying and insertion with a rubber tape.

Bishop Black at the Sinners Saloon Suzanne Forbes April 27 2023Bishop did two acts, and the second one involved a staple gun!

They stapled paper hearts all over themselves! I am not a great piercing or sideshow audience as I tend to flinch, but the effect was lovely.

Marta Karta performs at The Sinners Saloon at Crack Bellmer Berlin by Suzanne Forbes April 21 2023It was the first time I’d seen hostess Marta Karta perform: what a dark cabaret legend!

She hosted, and sang, and danced! See her insta here and upcoming shows here.

People with great hair!

Redhead from Finland Armi Von Vep, who also did a spin onstage, and in the background DJ Don Rogall.

Martini Cherryfurter and Enjo Flint perform at The Sinners Saloon at Crack Bellmer Berlin by Suzanne Forbes May 15 2023There was another wonderful surprise – Martini Cherryfurter is back in Berlin!

Such a joy to see and hug her after so long. She was called onto the stage to do an impromptu act with Enjo Flint. Enjo smashed a bunch of glass on the floor and Martini stood on his head!

Gracefully, of course, as she does everything. Photo of the actual moment by Daniel Paikov here! I of course was flinching 🙂

Constance Peach performs at The Sinners Saloon at Crack Bellmer Berlin by Suzanne Forbes April 19 2023 It was also my first time seeing/drawing Constance Peach!

She brought glamorous and wicked Marie Antoinette vibes. Her insta is here and site here.

The Next Sinners Saloon is June 4th; I won’t be there cause I will be wiped out from Hurentag the day before, but tickets are here!

All in all, I couldn’t have asked for more for my return to drawing in a club after over three years.

Crack Bellmer has a ventilation system (although I had to ask them to turn it on) and Felicity made sure I had exactly the seating setup I needed. Having a buddy system with Daniel helped so much.

I felt a little weird going out in my prescription swim goggles and 3M Aura FFP3 mask, but my self-consciousness melted away when everyone was so kind to me.

Misty Lotus said, “Ah, it’s Berlin! It’s fine!”

As always, I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue documenting Berlin performers as a vulnerable disabled person. For as little as a dollar/euro per month, you can help!