Found and finished!

Walking away from him 2017 by Suzanne Forbes Feb 24 2023 smThis drawing was begun in 2017.

It depicts a moment I saw out the window of the M19 bus in West Berlin, late at night. A bold young woman just blissfully walking away. I drew her and the young man, but didn’t want to draw the bicycle or background, so this quintessential Berlin moment languished unfinished for years. I found a stack of unfinished 2017 drawings this week, and decided to finish a couple of them, thanks to my Patrons.

I am so thankful for my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making art.

Noéline for Valentines! A zoom drawing collab.

Noeline la Bouche for Valentines Day drawn by Suzanne Forbes Feb 14 2023I was so glad to draw my beloved friend and muse Noéline la Bouche again!

We convened via zoom for an appropriately themed session. As we are both disabled artists, virtual collaboration lets us work together safely.

Noeline la Bouche for Valentines Day by Suzanne Forbes Feb 14 2023 detailMy Patrons who support me made it possible for me to pay Noéline for both modeling and prep time.

We did similar collabs for Black Fae Day, and Halloween.

Noeline la Bouche for Valentines Day by Suzanne Forbes Feb 14 2023 2 Finished the other drawing from this session!

Struggled with the background but fixed it with pastels!

Noeline la Bouche for Valentines Day by Suzanne Forbes Feb 14 2023 2 detailIf you’re interested in disabled performer life and building the emotional intelligence to cope with disability, I highly recommend reading Noéline’s posts.

And of course paying her some money because we don’t take the labor of Black femmes for free!

Noéline’s website here, Insta here, burlesque accessory line here, here!

Noéline in a headpiece I made! And as the Goddess Yemaya.

Many other Noeline drawings in my Noéline Muse Album on flickr.

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue documenting Berlin performers as a vulnerable disabled person.