Art archives: St. Paul cafe drawings!

St Paul cafe drawing by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum circa 1990 1I started seriously drawing in cafes or coffee shops in 1990.

I finally got into the habit of having a sketchbook with me at all times, not just most of the time, once I had a car!

St Paul cafe drawing by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum circa 1990And I had a teacher at MCAD who said the best way to draw the figure confidently was to draw “in situ“, constantly.

Good advice! Seriously, look at the foot of that little girl.

St Paul restaurant drawing by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum circa 1990I drew everywhere I went.

And as a person in early sobriety, it was the perfect way to be comfortable in social situations.

Self portrait with Day by Day cafe cruising map 1991 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesThe Day by Day Cafe!

Such a part of sober life in St. Paul back then. And even now, I think? Also, as indicated in this drawing, a total cruising spot for me and all my gay friends 🙂

Minneapolis Dunn Bros 5 29 91 by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel KetchumI lived near Dunn Bros, worked at Dunn Bros, hung out at Dunn Bros.

The coffee was incredible. This is from 1991.

homage a degas 1990 by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel Ketchum

This homage to Degas is one of my favorite cafe drawings ever.

Dunn Bros, 1990.

Denise and Zora March 15 1994 at Music City Cafe by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesThere were other sober hangouts, like the Music City Cafe.

This is my friend Denise and her daughter Zora there, 1994. Children have never been my specialty!

musicians at Music City Cafe St Paul Jan 4 1991 Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesI also did a whole series of drawings of musicians in cafes during this time, like this one at Music City Cafe.

You can see some more of them here on flickr, in my Musicians album. Later coffee shop drawings are here.

Most of these drawings had never been scanned or uploaded; until now, no online record of them existed – if we had a fire or flood they would just be gone forever.

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to take time to document my art archives.

Big Gay Wedding: the Grooms, the Minister and family!

Big Gay wedding Gieza and Tomi at Zionskirche by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022Dear ones Gieza and Tomi celebrated their wedding at beautiful and historic Zionskirche in Berlin this May.

I was so grateful to the grooms for making disability accommodations for me, so I could live-draw their day. It was one of the most special moments in my documentary drawing career.

Big Gay wedding Gieza and Tomi with minister at Zionskirche by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022Here you can see the grooms and their minister, Dr. Reettakaisa Sofia Salo.

The grooms wore headpieces made by me, with twenty-foot veils attached! Gieza and Tomi’s wedding clothes were completely hand made by Alexis Mersmann. Alexis hand-marbled sheets of fabric to make the suits and every detail from scratch. You can contact Alexis via insta dm to commission custom work!

Dr. Reettakaisa Sofia Salo is from Finland, like Tomi, and has had trouble for performing gay weddings there.

Big Gay wedding Minister dr Reettakaisa Sofia Salo at Zionskirche by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022She posed for me in her “casual minister” clothes before the ceremony.

It was wonderful to get a chance to meet her and draw her!

Big Gay wedding nieces at Zionskirche by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022These lovely little girls are Gieza’s nieces.

They came and drew with me during the champagne reception at the church!

Big Gay wedding Gieza family at Zionskirche by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022Gieza’s sister is so nice!

Everyone wore fancy headpieces in keeping with the theme.

Big Gay wedding Tomi family at Treehouse by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022It was a delight to meet family members of the grooms.

At The Treehouse, where the reception was held, I was able to draw a few of the family and guests.

Big Gay wedding Gieza and Pansy at the Treehouse by Suzanne Forbes Oct 18 2022Gieza and her longtime creative collaborator Pansy, of Pansy’s House of Presents.

I wish I could have stayed for the fabulous drag shows and dance party later on, but I just didn’t have the stamina. Nonetheless it was an incredible day, and I’m so glad I was there.

The grooms in their headpieces (made by me!)

The guests in their finery

The dancers who performed

Gieza’s website is here, insta here, and Tomi’s website is here and insta is here.

The Big Gay Wedding in May was the only non-medical indoor event I’ve been to in almost three years; it was extremely well ventilated at both venues and I was always N95/FFP3 masked. I was profoundly supported and cared for as a disabled person by the grooms and the community, and I am so grateful. It cost a LOT to get my disabled self there, in taxis & paying a kind carer for their time. It was worth it and my Patrons made it happen!

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue documenting Berlin performers as a disabled person.