Drawing SFxBerlin artist Rachael Jablo working on The Hysteria Project!

Rachael Jablo working on art for The Hysteria Project drawn by Suzanne Forbes Feb 17 2022Such a treat to have a zoom visit with my friend Rachael Jablo, a fellow former Bay Arean!

I met Rachael here in Berlin, at Sadie Lune’s birthday party years ago. Even though we were in the Bay at the same time, and both knew Sadie among other folks, we never met there!

Thank goodness we connected here. I can’t imagine not knowing Rachael! Sick person baker artists rule! Due to both of us being chronically ill, we don’t visit IRL that often, yet our spiritual connection is amazing. And our techie husbands get along great too.

Rachael is creating an incredible collaborative storytelling project called The Hysteria Project.

“The Hysteria Project is a one-on-one storytelling project dealing with menstruation, reproductive, and pelvic disorders, illustrated by individual ‘portraits’ of their reproductive organs based on their stories. These life-size, intimate works start in a traditional darkroom where I use lace instead of negatives to make color prints that I cut up and collage onto a gold leaf background.” – Rachael Jablo

Uterus portrait by Rachael Jablo for the Hysteria Project of Suzanne Forbes with fibroids

Portrait by Rachael Jablo for the Hysteria Project of Suzanne Forbes’ menstrual system with fibroids

I told my fibroids story for the project and Rachael made a portrait of my uterus!

Isn’t it beautiful? You can read my story here, it has lots of swearing and so. much. blood. Other folks I know have also told their stories and had portraits made. Being listened to and witnessed by Rachael’s compassionate spirit is such a healing experience. Rachael describes how the project started here.

Rachael’s website, Rachael’s insta, The Hysteria Project website, insta and twitter.

The Hysteria Project is Funded by Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

I of course am funded by my  Patreon Patrons, who have my eternal gratitude and love for keeping me working, making art and documenting Berlin creators as a vaccinated but Covid-vulnerable disabled person.Rachael Jablo working on art for The Hysteria Project drawn by Suzanne Forbes Feb 17 2022 detail

Noéline la Bouche hosts Uncaged Cabaret!

Noeline la Bouche hosting Uncaged Cabaret by Suzanne Forbes March 25 2022My dear friend and eternal muse Noéline la Bouche is starting to do some event hosting!

I was so excited to see them as the host of last night’s Uncaged Cabaret online, which was fantasy themed. I loved the mystic creature storyline she created. And their headpiece from her Noéline’s Accessories line is so beautiful. So I made this color ink drawing! I will be giving it to them as a birthday present as her birthday just passed!

If you’re interested in disabled performer life and building the emotional intelligence to cope with radical physical challenge, I highly recommend reading Noéline’s posts.

And of course paying her some money because we don’t take the labor of Black femmes for free!

Noéline’s website here, Insta here, burlesque accessory line here, Paypal.me here!

Noéline in a headpiece I made! And as the Goddess Yemaya last month.

Many other Noeline drawings in my Noéline Muse Album on flickr.

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making art and documenting Berlin performers as a vaccinated but Covid-vulnerable disabled person.