Lani at Xantener Eck, two years later!

Lani, a nonbinary Hawaiian person with rainbow mirrorshades, lime green hair and black leather clothes drawn at Xantener Eck by Suzanne Forbes So happy to have had a visit from loved one Lani aka Foo and a chance to draw them rocking a peak Berlin look!

We got to sit outside our local pub and chat delightfully. When I’m strong enough to spend IRL time with a friend it invigorates me profoundly! And what a joy to revisit Lani as a portrait sitter. Previous drawing of them two years ago here! This was the first in-person drawing I have done since this one of my husband back in September! I have switched back to toned papers, and sort of resolved one of the concerns I have about using them.

Lani at Xantener Eck by Suzanne Forbes Feb 23 2024 auto pop edited scanArtwork on toned papers tends to have its value range badly flattened out by our scanner.

However, the editing program I use for my crude, simple edits, Pixlr, now has two auto settings that help a lot. The scan below uses the “auto pop” setting, and restores the greyed-out scan to closer to what the naked eye or camera eye sees of these mixed media drawings. A quick adjust to brightness and color temperature helps too. The hottest whites are still lost, but it’s much better, and the resolution beats our ancient ipad. Cool, right?

I’m so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to keep working as an artist, to share my art for free, and to document Queer Berlin!


Luna Tiktok models for Sketcherei!

Drawing of Luna Tiktok for Sketcherei Feb 5 2024 by Suzanne Forbes. Luna is a light-skinned nonbinary person presenting high femme in burlesque costume and pinup pose.I do love to draw fellow New York Native ThemTiktoks!

When I saw Sketcherei had Luna Tiktok booked for a February session and there was a zoom option, I was there!

Drawing of Luna Tiktok for Sketcherei Feb 5 2024 by Suzanne Forbes. Luna is a light-skinned nonbinary person presenting high femme in burlesque costume and pinup pose.I have made lots of drawings of both Tiktok aspects over the years.

Here’s Mx. Tiktok speaking at the 2019 Berlin Burlesque Week panel on Cultural Appropriation in Burlesque, an incredibly important discussion. Luna during the initial Pansy’s House of Presents quarantine livestreams, Luna and Roman Tiktok streamed from Pansy’s Autumn live shows at Monster Ronson’s, 2020. Luna performing in the 2021 streaming show Big Fat Burlesque.

Drawing of Luna Tiktok for Sketcherei Feb 5 2024 by Suzanne Forbes. Luna is a light-skinned nonbinary person presenting high femme in burlesque costume and pinup pose.This was the first time I’d drawn Luna life modeling though!

As always the Sketcherei setup was lovely and Luna looked amazing in a new wig created by Berlin performer, MUA and wig whisperer Antina Christ.

Drawing of Luna Tiktok for Sketcherei Feb 5 2024 by Suzanne Forbes. Luna is a light-skinned nonbinary person presenting high femme in burlesque costume and pinup pose.Rich reds are so enlivening in February.

Thank you for another accessible event Sketcherei and Luna Tiktok!

Sketcherei supports performers and sex workers and always has great music and vibes. Insta here, upcoming events here! Alexandra Ru (aka Barsketcher) and her mom are running the sessions together, and I love that they offer zoom access.

I’m so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to keep working as an artist, to share my art for free, and to support Berlin performers!