Tag Archives: art in berlin

The last, for now, House of Presents show at Monster Ronsons.

Pansy at Halloween House of Presents show at Monster Ronsons by Suzanne Forbes Feb 25 2021Halloween 2020 seems like seconds ago, or years.

It seems impossible that Berlin nightclubs were ever open again. But for a short time last Fall, clubs were open, observing careful Covid protocols.

Beloved queer clubhouse Monster Ronsons changed its entire setup, creating a cabaret dinner theater with table service from the bar.

Pansy of Pansy’s House of Presents (in full Jessica Rabbit style at top) and Gieza of Gieza’s Poke House redesigned their stage shows, instructing the audience to clap instead of scream and politely nod to strangers instead of fingering them.

I feel like these drawings were some of the best I did from a livestream last year, because I was drawing performers I’d seen and drawn in real life, and they were performing in a space I know well, to a real audience.

I so much appreciate Pansy, Gieza and Nana making these shows accessible to folx at home by streaming them!

Lola Rose at Halloween House of Presents show at Monster Ronsons by Suzanne Forbes March 6 2021For the two nights of double-header Halloween shows, the family of House of Presents created spectacular acts.

Lola Rose hit the stage to deconstruct a racist American caricature, Aunt Jemima- with a knife!

Naya at Halloween House of Presents show at Monster Ronsons by Suzanne Forbes Feb 25 2021Naya The Cisgenera had a powerful reading and a very sexy look.

Follow Naya on Instagram for humor, decolonization teaching and trans awareness.

Lolita Va Voom at Halloween House of Presents show at Monster Ronsons by Suzanne Forbes Feb 25 2021

Gieza decorated the stage with a monster theme, using old wigs!

Lolita Va Voom, above, shook it gorgeously. Always a joy to draw Lolita.

Lolita’s ongoing show with Nana Schewitz called Jews! Jews! Jews! is a treasure of Berlin.

Nana Schewitz is seen below, performing an interactive and hilarious act.

Nana Schewitz at Halloween House of Presents show at Monster Ronsons by Suzanne Forbes Feb 26 2021

Jews! Jews! Jews! has an online Virtual Queer Seder on March 28.

I am incredibly grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s drag and burlesque performers while I work safely at home.

“Let it Snow” beamed live from Tipsy Bear Berlin, with Lola Rose and Judy LaDivina!

Judy LaDivina at Tipsy Bear Let it Snow Jan 29 2021 by Suzanne ForbesHere’s beloved Drag Mama Judy LaDivina at Tipsy Bear Berlin !

She performed live for the “Let it Snow” special with Lola Rose!

It was my first time drawing wildly charming Miss Judy and I had such fun. She is so pragmatic, so wise, so funny. Check out this Taimi video to hear about her inspiring journey from Tel Aviv to Berlin’s drag scene and find out how drag saved her life!

Miss Judy has lots of other performances online. You will love them 🙂

Lola Rose for Let it Snow by Suzanne Forbes Dec 13 2020Lola Rose had so many incredible costume changes!

Each number had a different look and the wigs were flying.Lola Rose winter show by Suzanne Forbes May 27 2021

Lola Rose is one of my very favorite Berlin performers, and this show was a thrill.

Lola has two new livestreaming shows coming Feb 3 and 10th, from Tipsy Bear’s stage.

Lola’s 2nd annual Black His/Herstory (Theirstory) Month show will run two Wednesdays of February with ten performers altogether. Five performers each week with a variety of burlesque, drag, stand up, theatre, & singing. The lineup is fantastic!! Even if you can’t catch the show, you can contribute to the money pool here to support these Black performers during this hard time.

Lola’s 2nd annual Black His/Herstory (Theirstory) Month, on https://www.twitch.tv/tipsybearberlin

03.02.20 8pm CET/20:00
10.02.20 8pm CET/20:00

I am incredibly grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me work safely at home.

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose.