Tag Archives: art in berlin

It’s my 54th birthday! Please help me keep making art :)

Berlin artist Suzanne Forbes in La Femme en Noir in kitchen Jan 3 2020Hi! I’m 54!

I look great, right? I love my self-cut hair, my fat disabled body, my powerhouse survivor’s journey of recovery and growth, and the 1,265 unique pieces of original art I’ve made since I started my Patreon crowd-funding!

And I need your help. To keep making art and to become a permanent resident of Germany.

Can you spare $1/1€ a month to support my crowdfunded documentary art of queer culture?

Crowdfunded Berlin artist Suzanne Forbes Jan 3 2020 4I am incredibly grateful to the small group of very generous Patrons who have made my free queer art possible the last five years.

Because of my Patrons, I’ve been able to make documentary art of Queer Berlin and release it for free, even as I become increasingly disabled by autoimmune illness and C-PTSD. Most of my Patrons have been with me from the beginning, and their support is my treasure, my power center, my grail.

My income is half what it was last year, as Patrons’ circumstances have changed, the censorship impact of SESTA/FOSTA means I have to do my more explicit work for free, and people can’t afford to buy my original art at present.

And I’m gonna earn way less this year, as I need to reduce my posting while I (finally!) learn German and recover from burnout.

I was posting like 14 times a month for much of last year, and donating all my extra money to mutual aid! It was awesome. But also crisis-based and unsustainable. This year I’m exhausted, burned out, very sick, AND it is time for us to apply for permanent residency in Germany!

crowdfunded Berlin artist Suzanne Forbes Jan 3 2020 in salonPlease help me show a stable income as we apply for permanent residency!

All I need is a dollar/euro a month from you, for this one year. If you can’t sign up for my Patreon, please share this post on your socials (yes even FB, even though I don’t have a FB account) and tell people about how I make documentary art and release it for free.

You can see the 298 original pieces of art I made thanks to my Patrons in 2020 here.

308 pieces of art I made in 2019 here.

255 pieces of art I made in 2018 here.

280 pieces of art I made in 2017 here.

Some of the around 100 pieces of art I made in 2016 here.

Some of the around 40 pieces of art I made in 2015. the year I started my Patreon, here.

The single posted work of art I made in 2014, the last year I had a day job, here.

Yeah, it makes all the difference, I can’t actually make art if I have to hold any kind of job. But with Patron support, I make so much art, and you can help!

Vaccine Phoenix on balcony by Suzanne Forbes March 2020I love you, I believe in you, our love and our bravery and our persistence is FIRE.

You can share my socials, twitter is @slurketta and insta is here.


Vaccine Phoenix!

3d Printer pen Vaccine Phoenix at Magic Hour in West Berlin by Suzanne Forbes Dec 28 2020I made this phoenix using a 3D filament pen my mom-in-law gave me, late last winter.

I think it was around the end of March. I told myself I’d post it when there was a vaccine. I thought it might be years.

3d Printer pen Vaccine Phoenix by Suzanne Forbes March 2020Today vaccinations began in the EU and my mom got her first vaccine shot in the US.

The Vaccine Phoenix is made of 3D printer pen filament, crystals, microbeads, glitter, UV resin and glue.

3d Printer pen Vaccine Phoenix detail by Suzanne Forbes March 2020I made it after the cicada, which uses much more holo vinyl in its structure.

The phoenix is pretty much entirely woven of four shades of filament, strengthened with drifts of glued-on microbeads and rafts of crystals.

3d Printer pen Vaccine Phoenix tail detail by Suzanne Forbes March 2020The final touch of course is UV resin!

I added the resin much later, when I had mixed up yellow and red shades for my New Mutants Amara custom. I cured the resin on the fly in late August, sitting in the sun on the balcony, knowing it was one of the last times there’d be bright enough sun.

Vaccine Phoenix on balcony by Suzanne Forbes March 2020The sun comes back, though.