Tag Archives: Berlin burlesque

Performers’ Panel Discussion about Cultural Appropriation at Berlin Burlesque Week 2019.

MisSa Blue speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 30 2019This international panel discussion was facilitated by MisSa Blue, from Germany, and co-hosted by Denise “Seven” Bailey, from the US.

MisSa Blue, sword swallower, TEDx speaker and POC activist, above.

Sydni Deveraux speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 30 2019Sydni Deveraux speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 30 2019Sydni Deveraux, the Golden Glamazon, from the USA (International special guest!).Knockout Noire speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 31 2019Knockout Noire – from Norway and the USA.

Luna TikTok speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 31 2019Luna TikTok – a Berlin-based New Yorker!

Viva Lamore speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 31 2019Viva Lamore – another Berlin-based New Yorker.

Misty Lotus speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 31 2019Misty Lotus – based in Switzerland, fire-eater and doyenne of the Swiss Burlesque Academy.

Kim Khaos speaking at Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes July 30 2019And Kim Khaos, the Exotic Ecdysiast – Scotland based, producing and performing internationally.

Funding for the panel and MisSa Blue’s work around the topic is through Paypal. Please feel free to contribute so that the speakers on this discussion are not doing this emotional labour for free.

My own work was funded by my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly donations allow me to make documentary art of Berlin’s queer, intersectional burlesque scene and release it for free to all.

A night at the Circus – Martini Cherryfurter MC’s!

Martini Cherry Furter at Zum Starken August by Suzanne Forbes July 27 2019I met up with Suzanne in Prenzlauerberg for a visit to the Circus Bar!

There are two circus bars, actually, kitty-corner from each other as we used to say in the Old Country.

Zum Starken August has burlesque Friday and Saturday nights, with an MC like Martini Cherry Furter, above. Toast Hawaii has bands and also something called Pornokaroake which I don’t know what that even is. Toast Hawaii, btw, is a disgusting German dish. Do not google it.

Martini Cherry Furter at Zum Starken August by Suzanne Forbes July 27 2019I’ve drawn Martini before and it is always SUCH a pleasure. She is so beautiful, all glamour and cheekbones and legs and sass. The straight boys she was teasing as I drew this were blushing like little kids.

La Labo Balucia at Zum Starken August Suzanne Forbes Aug 29 2019Here’s performer La Loba Lucía, one of my favorite people in Berlin to draw!

She always looks like a super hero, even doing her gangster routine here. She brought the routine out of retirement just for this night so I was super excited! It was so important to me to be there on this night, and yet I was so sick I almost gave up and went home. Only the support of my friend and fellow artist Suzanne Wegh kept me there.

As a fat, queer, disabled artist, crowdfunded support is the only way I can make this work. 

You can join my Patreon Patrons, for as little as a dollar/euro a month, to keep me working and releasing my documentary art of Queer Berlin as Free Art.