Tag Archives: Berlin drawing

Remote drawing The Venus Boys!

HP Loveshaft for Venus Boys April 4 2020 by Suzanne ForbesBerlin drag king collective The Venus Boys was at the top of my must-draw list before quarantine hit.

I finally caught them via livestream, for Digital Boys Episode 3. Host with the most, HP Loveshaft, is above – I’ve drawn him before and always enjoy drawing his handsome face.

Camp Dad for Digital Boys May 18 2020 by Suzanne ForbesEdited on June 25 to add Venus Boys FOUNDER and absolute BEAUTY Camp Dad!

I actually drew this picture of Camp Dad during a different Venus Boys stream but I think the drawing belongs here. 🙂 She has an etsy shop now, check it out!

Daddy Sparkles for Venus Boys April 4 2020 by Suzanne ForbesDaddy Sparkles, with a hoard of treasures including Doritos!

Daddy Sparkles is a King I’ve drawn before and just adore.

Manyfaced Godx as Persian Daddy for Venus Boys April 4 2020 by Suzanne ForbesWonderful multidisciplinary artist manyfacedgodx in their instantiation as Persian Daddy gave a tremendous dance tutorial.

A bit of it is now online here – must see, to feel the gher in your body! More Dornika here.

Buba Sababa for Venus Boys April 4 2020 by Suzanne ForbesBuba Sababa is such a fantastic performer.

This piece didn’t just break down the gender binary, it threw it out the airlock and rewrote the entire language of feminine and masculine constructs in less than five minutes. I drew Buba at the last Ludwig night, here.

Turntino for Venus Boys April 4 2020 by Suzanne ForbesSoffft boi!

I sort of understand the concept of soft boys, and then I saw this performance by multitalented Sofia as Turntino. Now I really get exactly what a soft boy is!

What a treat, to see these wild young talents and learn more about their work.

The young drag folk of Berlin are doing such radical, beautiful work of living, making and being.

It’s incredible to bear witness to.


I’m fantastically grateful to the folx who put on this show, for letting me witness their revolutionary world, and for their kind support of my work.

And always, I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s queer, kinky, intersectional drag and burlesque performers while I work safely at home.


Drawing my mom on Zoom, Alfred Ladylike on Youtube, and Janet on Twitch!

portrait of Pat Ketchum drawn via Zoom March 27 2020 by Suzanne ForbesI did this drawing of my mom, Patricia Ketchum, during a Zoom talk.

It was one of the first remote drawings I did! It definitely helps to know the face of the person I’m drawing.

Alfred Ladylike livestreams on Youtube by Suzanne Forbes March 27 2020This is my friend Alfred Ladylike, drawn as they perform a live concert on Youtube last week.

Alfred‘s Patreon is here and their beautiful song “Rainbow Medicine” on youtube is here. Check out the incredible nerdcore rap “Wizards RULE!” here.

Janet posing for Drink and Draw Berlin April 2 2020 by Suzanne ForbesMy friend Janet, who is a wonderful artist, art teacher and artist’s model, posed for the first remote Drink and Draw Berlin.

Janet is a great model and also teaches drawing with DandD Berlin. This livestream was hosted by Julian DIeckert of DandD Berlin, a terrific draughtsman, who offered tips in the splitscreen.

Janet modeling for Drink and Draw Berlin April 2 2020 by Suzanne ForbesDrink and Draw Berlin is working on doing remote sessions going forward!

You can support these free online drawing sessions (and help Janet get paid!) here.

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me work safely at home.