Tag Archives: Berlin drawing

Book release party for “As You wish, my Lady”, with Jo Pollux, Sadie Lune, Finn Peaks and more!

Jo Pollux and Sadie Lune at Ludwig July 9 2019 by Suzanne ForbesSUCH a beautiful party for the official release of the gorgeous coffee table book of photographs by Jo Pollux and text by Sadie Lune.

It was held at cherished all-inclusive queer art gallery/bar/clubhouse Ludwig Berlin  in Neukölln, and featured the artist and her muses! The book showcases Jo’s Film Noir aesthetic and Sadie’s dark prose. In attendance were models from the book, including Sadie, Bishop Black, Manon, Finn Peaks, and more.

Mamas AfroDisiac and Axel Karlsson Rixon at Ludwig June 20 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThere was a wonderful crowd of queer Berliners, plus visitors from all over.

Above, visiting Mama’s Afrodisiac and European local Axel Karlsson Rixon, a supernaturally attractive pair!

Finn Peaks at Ludwig June 20 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThere were performances, including this one by Finn Peaks.

Finn had pink eye makeup on making him look even more like Anne Carlisle in Liquid Sky!

And afterwards the crowd retired to the back room to witness à la carte acts of dominant play by Sadie, always a huge hit.

My live-drawing of queer Berlin’s art scene is courtesy of my Patrons on Patreon whose monthly financial support allows me to make this free art available! You can help for as little as a dollar/euro a month.

I’m working on some more drawings from the back room, but since they are sensual and involve passionate interactive I am not creating them for my Patreon. You will be able to find them on my other website, the one with my name, soon 🙂

Jews!Jews!Jews! at Berlin Burlesque Week 2019!

Misty Lotus at Jews Jews Jews Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes June 25 2019Jews! Jews! Jews! is a Jewish, QTPOC, and minority-focused cabaret presented by Lolita Va Voom and hosted by Nana Schewitz.

Misty Lotus, doyenne of the Swiss Burlesque Academy, is above, a vision in gold. That’s Nana below, in self-made “Kosher Pig” latex!
Nana Schewitz at JewJewsJews Berlin Burlesque Week May 31 2019 by Suzanne Forbes

Kim Khaos at Jews Jews Jews Berlin Burlesque Week by Suzanne Forbes June 25 2019Kim Khaos performed so elegantly, and so gothically!

She is a beautiful stone goth, and you know how I love goths 🙂 She also had a table with her gorgeous pasties.

Miss Knock Out Noire, Norway’s Brown Sugah Bombshell, peeled like a banana!

She has such movie-star glamour.

Lolita VaVoom at JewsJewsJews May 31 2019 v2 by Suzanne ForbesHere’s Jews!Jews!Jew! producer and doyenne of Berlin Burlesque Week Lolita Vavoom!

You genuinely cannot imagine how hard she worked this whole week. And how beautifully the events focused on embracing diversity, creating safe spaces, and representation.

Johnny Porkpie at JewsJewsJews Berlin Burlesque Week May 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThis is Jonny Porkpie, who is apparently the (self-proclaimed) Burlesque Mayor!

His act involved a strip down with flasks, vials and bottles of liquor concealed in ever-more ingenious places. Not very relevant to my interests as a recovering alcoholic but it was a charming performance!

Little Miss Piss at JewsJewsJews Berlin Burlesque Week May 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesLittle Miss Piss did an act that was very different at the end than at its beginning.

It was PACKED with surprises! I cannot show you the drawing of the end here, sadly. You will have to find it on my not-safe-for-puritans erotic art channel and site 🙂 Perhaps you can find it by googling.

My live-drawing at Berlin’s queer, intersectional burlesque scene is courtesy of my Patrons on Patreon whose monthly financial support allows me to make this free art available!

Audience Member at JewsJewsJews Berlin Burlesque Week May 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesEdit to add: this lovely audience member! Sometimes I draw the audience to warm up 🙂