Tag Archives: Berlin drawing

Dr Sketchy’s Berlin, Victorian Spiritualist Edition!

Dr sketchys berlin victorian spiritualism edition tattooed lady by suzanne forbes oct 29 2017Another amazing edition, the sixty-somethingth, of Berlin’s superb Dr. Sketchy’s.

Once again at beautiful Ballhaus Berlin, with the theme of Victorian Spiritualists, two days before Halloween. Fantastic models, fabulous theme, gorgeous venue. Does it get any better?

Yes, cause lots of my very talented badass-drawing colleagues from ESDIP Berlin were on hand and we set up at a table and just blew the roof off the place with our drawing powers.

Not gonna lie, my goal when I go to an event like this is to draw better, faster and more confidently than any man there, including my valued colleagues.

dr sketchys berlin victorian spiritualism edition by suzanne forbes Oct 29 2017Here in Berlin, where many people who attend drawing events can draw like hell, it’s the kind of challenge I can set my teeth into.

In San Francisco I was always the best draftsman in the room; here I gotta fight hard for that, and it is food for my soul. I locked into pure flow state very early on and spent the whole session riding the armature of my training and abilities. When this happens I watch myself work effortlessly, the only challenge being to trust what’s happening. I really hit the mainline at the end.

Look at this straight up Leyendecker shit. I drew it in ten minutes.

dr sketchys berlin victorian spiritualism edition last pose by Suzanne Forbes Oct 29 2017Lots more drawings coming soon. Check my insta for previews and the Dr. Sketchys Berlin insta for lotsa cool art!

Thank you LaLaVox and Le Pustra for another incredible night! What a gift you give us!

And thanks to my Patrons on Patreon whose financial support makes it possible for me to go to events like this and draw like hell!

Previous Dr. Sketchy’s Berlin posts here, here, here and here.

Miss Mosh performing at Vaudeville Variety Revue, Wintergarten Berlin.

Miss Mosh performing at Vaudeville Variete at Wintergarten Berlin by Suzanne Forbes Oct 27 2017I got to draw Mosh!!!!!

As a longtime fan of beautiful alternative model and burlesque performer Miss Mosh, I had always wanted to draw her. Sheila Wolf, the producer of Berlin’s fabulous Vaudeville Variety Revue, was kind enough to have me as her guest again.

This time I got to come five hours early and draw the dress rehearsal! It was wonderful to be in the beautiful Wintergarten Berlin when it was mostly empty; I got to take a really good look at all the gorgeous details. And I was able to make preliminary sketches of the performers and get a sense of their movements.

Here is Mosh using a screwdriver to adjust the struts of her enormous feather fans.

Miss Mosh preshow at Vaudeville Variety Wintergarten Berlin by Suzanne Forbes Oct 27 2017Like most beautiful famous people I have met in person, Mosh is tiny!

She is like a little absinthe fairy you can imagine perching on a wrought iron balustrade. And yet also, like most performers I’ve met, plainly and obviously strong as hell. She appeared onstage in an oyster silk playsuit and ballet flats, with her hair in rollers, and lit up the stage. I always want to draw dress rehearsal now, it is the best! You can see my drawings from the previous Vaudeville Variety Revue here! More from this one coming soon.

Thank you Sheila Wolf for your hospitality, Miss Mosh for your kindness, and my beautiful Patrons on Patreon for providing the financial support that makes it possible for me to make this work!