Tag Archives: Berlin drawing

The Pansy’s Birthday shows of Pansy’s House of Presents!

Dalaa for Giezas Poke House June 9 by Suzanne Forbes July 8 2020So many incredible performances for Pansy’s birthday!

Dalaa is a fantastic dancer; she was in the first half of the fab evening on Gieza’s Poke House.

If it were not for lockdown, I might never have gotten a chance to draw beauties like Dalaa. Getting across town to Monster Ronson’s is a huge effect for me, and one I am usually only able to make a couple times a year.

Katana Six for Giezas Poke House June 9 by Suzanne Forbes July 8 2020So I am very glad to be able to see every single Poke House and House of Presents show, for this period of time.

You can watch Gieza’s Poke House and Pansy’s House of Presents in Quarantine EVERY TUESDAY at 21:00 for The Poke House and 22h CET for House of Presents!

And see new-to-the-Pokehouse performers like the marvelous, gorgeous Katana Six!

Alexander Cameltoe for Pansys House of Presents June 9 by Suzanne Forbes July 8 2020Always a joy to see and draw Alexander Cameltoe.

Alexander’s show for Pansy’s birthday started in their workshop, which is loaded with tool goodness. Intergalactic Trash Prince  Alexander answered the Batphone and then proceeded to a gorgeous art-laden altar.

Pansy by Suzanne Forbes July 9 2020Note, I did not draw Pansy on her actual birthday.

She was dressed as an adorable baby, and I do not like children unless they are my friends’ children. So this is a drawing of Pansy from another show, when she was dressed as an adorable diner waitress bunny!

BIG NEWS: Pansy’s Pop-Up Pantry is HAPPENING Aug 2!!!

Pansy has been doing a fantastic series on her Insta stories called Pansy’s Pantry, where she demonstrates the baking of fabulous treats, with recipe, and provides education and tips for activism. Now the Pantry is coming to IRL life for a hot summer day!

You can pre-order her legendary key lime pie for pick-up here!

And always, I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s queer, intersectional drag performers while I work safely at home.

Friday May 29 : The Holy Cvnt Collective at Retramp and the Brazilian Bombshell Marie Devilreux!

Liliana Velasquez at Holy Cvnt Collective opening at ReTramp Gallery by Suzanne Forbes May 29 2020Liliana Velásquez is one of my most inspiring Berlin muses!

She does so much performing and producing all over town, and is so funny and fabulous. She was a longtime professional artist’s model in NYC; I have drawn her so many many times, and I will never tire of her. She was in serious docent mode as she guided the virtual opening of Holy Cvnt Collective’s show at Retramp Gallery in Neukölln.

Yagama at Retramp Gallery by Suzanne Forbes June 17 2020Here are Yagama and Katya Tasheva performing.

Beautiful to witness!

Growler at Retramp Gallery by Suzanne Forbes June 17 2020This is Growler.

Growler is is a 79 year old vulva from Dublin. She produced a stuffed beaver from her…beaver! I fucking LOVE Growler.

Marie Devilreux by Suzanne Forbes May 29 2020The fabulous Marie Devilreux!

I had drawn Ms. Devilreux before, at Torture Garden Berlin, and watched her performing from up close. So I felt confident I could do justice to her livestreamed performance of one of her most popular acts, the Titty Twister!

I drew the Retramp livestream, had dinner and a mini-rest, then drew Marie!

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me work safely at home.

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose.