All the issues were on the table at the latest production of Extravagant Shambles, at beloved queer clubhouse Monster Ronsons.
Of course, there was producer Cadbury Parfait doing her fabulous “Miss Brexit” act, with its EU banner reveal which brings down the house, and the moment when she discards the stinky ol’ British flag, seen above! Her full costume and the EU reveal, below!
Doing “Booty Burlesque”, artist and performer Maïmouna Coulibaly!
She is an actress, director, choreographer and mistress of Booty Therapy. You can see her dance with the ocean here!
Skirt Vonnegut dared to touch the topic of US politics.
There was a wicked reveal! Skirt Vonnegut is always political 🙂
Lord Hicks sang about “cottaging” in the old days of gay London.
He was hilarious though the topic was tough.
This performer did a gorgeous genderplay on Peaky Blinders.
Which I haven’t seen yet! Weirdly, since I adore Cillian Murphy. I also adore genderplay burlesque, going back to the 80s when I watched Victor/Victoria on HBO about a million times!
And Stella von Fersen tempted us all as a Devil, but because she stripped down to pasties, I can’t put that drawing here!
Always a pleasure to draw Ms. von Fersen! You might find the drawing on my sexy site, with the title using just my name 🙂
Last but not at all least, comic cosplay got real with incredible pole-dancer Jupiter Gatling and Queen of Harleens Adrian. 
My live-drawing at Berlin’s queer, intersectional burlesque scene is courtesy of my Patrons on Patreon whose monthly financial support allows me to make this free art available!