Tag Archives: Suzanne Forbes artist

Berlin’s Queer Jewish legend Lolita VaVoom models for Sketcherei life drawing!

Lolita VaVoom a curvy white woman with purple hair poses reclining drawn by Suzanne Forbes Nov 7 2022Lolita VaVoom poses for Sketcherei!

I ADORE drawing Lolita, who is both a wonderful performer and a gifted artist’s model.

Lolita is also a fierce queer Jewish activist and brings so many incredible Berlin events to life.

From Berlin Burlesque Week to Jews!Jews!Jews!, she mixes politics and va-va-voom!

Lolita Vavoom, a curvy white woman with blonde and purple hair, poses in a sexy way, drawn by Suzanne Forbes Nov 2022The next jews! Jews! Jews! is on December 17, 2022.

It looks like a particularly amazing show! Mostly sold out but there will be a few tix at the door.

Lolita Vavoom, a curvy white woman with blonde and purple hair, poses blindfolding herself in a sexy way, drawn by Suzanne Forbes Nov 2022I love Sketcherei life-drawing sessions.

The models are always thoughtfully chosen, in allyship, and beautifully lit! The wonderful team Alexandra and Liana of Sketcherei really care about sex workers, about art and about drawing.

Lolita vavoom for Sketcherei Nov 2022 by Suzanne ForbesMore Lolita: Her insta: Lolita and linktree: Lolita Va Voom

Halloween 2020 with House of Presents

Portrait painting in progress

First time, at Full Moon Cabaret

Lolita Vavoom, a curvy white woman with blonde and purple hair, poses in a sexy cowgirl way, drawn by Suzanne Forbes Nov 2022More Sketcherei sessions I’ve joined:

Sketcherei with Chiqui Love.

Sketcherei with Berlin Strippers Collective and Akynos.

Sketcherei with Berlin Strippers Collective and Chiqui again!

Sketcherei with Dotti Moscati for Valentines 2022.

Ukrainian burlesque diva Daria

I’m so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to keep working and evolving as an artist, and to support artists’ models!


Virtual Halloween life drawing with Muse Noéline la Bouche!

On Halloween I booked Beloved Friend and Muse Noéline la Bouche for a zoom life drawing session!

As we are both disabled artists, virtual collaboration lets us work together safely. My Patrons who support me made it possible for me to pay Noéline for both modeling and prep time. We did a similar collab for Black Fae Day, and I hope to do more in the future.

Noeline la Bouche, a fat femme-presenting Black burlesque performer, gazes at the viewer fiercely. Drawn on Halloween by Suzanne Forbes October 31 2022 I’m so grateful that my Patrons make supporting creative equity like this possible!

Noéline is always on-time and professional and we started our session with them completely in costume and makeup, set up with camera. We always take breaks as needed for our disabled bodies. Working with Noéline is a safe space for me, so I continued to experiment with the Liquitex Acrylic Ink I’ve been using for the past six months or so.

Noeline la Bouche for Halloween by Suzanne Forbes October 31 2022If you’re interested in disabled performer life and building the emotional intelligence to cope with medical trauma and serious physical challenge, I highly recommend reading Noéline’s posts.

And of course paying her some money because we don’t take the labor of Black femmes for free!

Noéline’s website here, Insta here, burlesque accessory line here, Paypal.me here!

Noéline in a headpiece I made! And as the Goddess Yemaya.

Many other Noeline drawings in my Noéline Muse Album on flickr.

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue documenting Berlin performers as a vulnerable disabled person.