Tag Archives: Suzanne Forbes artist

Finally!!! 6″ scale Sam and Dean Winchester action figure customs!

Sam and Dean Winchester Supernatural 6 inch scale action figure customs Suzanne Forbes Sept 30 2022 Only took what, 17 years?

Ha!! I am so pleased with myself. My dollhouse has needed Supernatural action figures for so long! And inexplicably, no-one has ever made one-twelve scale figures of the Winchester brothers.

Sam and Dean Winchester Supernatural 6 inch scale action figure customs Suzanne Forbes Sept 30 2022 The heads came from ebay, cast in grey resin.

The sculpts are phenomenally, outrageously good. They look like they are produced from digital scans of the actor’s heads – yet how do these bootleg ebay sellers get ahold of the files?

Sam and Dean Winchester Supernatural 6 inch scale action figure customs Suzanne Forbes Sept 30 2022 2Anyway, the sculpts are so good they practically paint themselves.

Except not really, and painting tiny things is hard, but I’m getting better at it. I don’t ever plan to try to do it regularly; I leave that to the real customizers. But this was an extreme situation. Why has no one ever made Winchester Brothers actions figures in six-inch scale?

Sam and Dean Winchester Supernatural 6 inch scale action figure customs Suzanne Forbes Sept 30 2022 4Here’s the recipe: Sam and Dean Winchester Custom action figures in 6″ scale.

Heads from ebay, Sam head modified with Apoxie Sculpt to add more hair volume at back of skull. (his head was a little small for the body otherwise)

Sam body: Robert Pattinson’s character from the Twilight movies, by NECA, first movie I think. I carved out his neck and re-sculpted it and repainted to fit the Sam head better.

Dean body: Xander figure from the last round of Buffy figures from Diamond Select, in 2006. His hands were tiny, so I pulled them off and replaced them with the hands of a spare Wes from the last series of Angel figures. I also pulled the legs off the figure (they kept falling off anyway) and sculpted the joins where they met the hips to give the figure a little more height and more of a Dean stance.

Open lore book: ReMent

Eventually I’ll put the Sam and Dean figures in the library with the Buffy figures and Blade!

Buffy action figures in Suzanne Forbes action figure dollhouseOMG I’m so happy to have these figures done!

Other action figure customizing and one:12 scale projects:

X-Men and Action figure dollhouse projects and action figure customs!

Lila Cheney and Lilandra customs.

My Rahne and Dani lovebird action figure customs

Douglock custom

Trans girl action figure customs

Danger Room work in progress!

My first action figure dollhouse.

Laboratories underneath it.

My action figure subway station.

And superhero subway car.

Projects for the X-Men Dollhouse – a blackboard for the library

The X-Men Dollhouse – nearly finished, and the goddam lighting

The X-Men Dollhouse – stairs and lighting

The X-Men Dollhouse – wallpaper and assembly

The X-Men Dollhouse – getting started!


Miss Lola Rose, Muse!

Pink Butterfly headpiece and drawing of Lola Rose by Suzanne ForbesI am so inspired by Berlin drag performer Miss Lola Rose.

Here are two summer works inspired by her style and beauty. I spent much of this spring making this headpiece for Miss Lola, who is working on a piece with a song about butterflies.

Butterfly Headpiece of Holographic vinyl UV resin and Angelina Fantasy Film for Miss Lola Rose by Suzanne Forbes August 2022 6Then I had to take a hiatus as my health crashed, and I finally finished it a week ago.

It’s made of holographic vinyl, UV resin and Angelina Fantasy Film, plus lots of gradient pearls, AB crystals and gold lace.

Butterfly Headpiece of Holographic vinyl UV resin and Angelina Fantasy Film for Miss Lola Rose by Suzanne Forbes August 2022There are a dozen hand-cast pink UV resin butterflies with glitter inclusions, panels of iridescent Angelina Fantasy Film in the laser-cut butterfly frontispiece, and uncountable pearls and crystals on the flowers.

Pink Butterfly headpiece for Lola Rose by Suzanne ForbesThis might be the last big piece like this I do, as it’s harder for me to sit up for long periods.

I’m glad this one came out so well, and I cannot wait to see what Miss Lola does with it.

Lola Rose birthday drawing by Suzanne Forbes Aug 22 2022As for the drawing of Miss Lola, I made it during my sick leave cause I was so inspired I HAD TO DRAW!

I took six weeks of sick leave from my Patreon this summer, my first break in seven years. But on August 22, Miss Lola had her birthday cabaret. The power of Berlin’s drag scene and Miss Lola Rose in particular is so great, I was moved to make this drawing while watching her livestream from Tipsy_Bear_Berlin. Lola went to special lengths to make sure me and other housebound folx could watch, and it meant so much to me to share in the experience.

What a show!!

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue documenting and decorating Berlin performers as a shielding disabled person.