Tag Archives: traditional portraiture for alternative lifestyles

Artwork Archives: people of my early sobriety (besides Anita!)

Matt at the Bat Cave August 10 1989 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesAs I’ve said before, the first thing I did when I got sober was start drawing portraits.

I met Matt when he came to the first party I ever gave at my first place of my own. I lived in a basement apartment on a really lovely street in St. Paul when I first got out of the halfway house, which of course we called The Batcave. Matt and I dated a little, briefly, but were mostly friends. He was a good man and always happy to pose for me.

Matt at the Batcave August 6 1989 by Suzanne Forbes aka Rachel KetchumMatt, August 6 1989. Did I mention he worked out?

Painting of Matt winter 1990 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes

Matt, winter 1990, acrylic on board.

This was done during the few months’ period after Anita and I moved in together and I started back to art school full time. I painted Anita many times, and Matt got painted too.

portrait of M seated by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes winter 1990Here he is in green.

I kept running out of paint and having to use a limited palette for practical, not aesthetic reasons!

St. Paul Matt and unkown 1989 or 1990 by Suzanne Forbes working as Rachel KetchumHere is Matt and someone else, not sure who, winter 1990 I think.

I have only the photocopy, so Matt must have gotten the drawing.

J and Tom perspective drawing Winter 1990 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes

Jamie and Tom in St. Paul, Jan or Feb 1990, pencil on paper.

Our friend Tom moved in with us when he got out of Fellowship House, and Jamie was the boy who appeared during the party Anita and I gave at the end of January for my one year and her six months sober. I was unwise to date him, but I did.

Keith at the Barbary Fig May 23 1990 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesKeith, March 1990, 9×12″, pencil on paper.

Keith Sketchbook 1990 Minneapolis by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesI met Keith at meetings, and we had one night of amazing sex. Then he ghosted me. As the kids call it nowadays.

I find it so strange, looking at these old drawings, to see how central men were in my young life.

As a teenager, half of my closest friends were guys, half were girls, and I slept with nearly all my friends back then! I really loved my male friends, gay and straight, and found it normal to be very close to guys in my teens and twenties.

However, when I got sober I did this thing in the halfway house called “Female Focus”, where I was not allowed to talk to the guys in the house for a week.

I liked it so much I asked for another week. I was going to women-only recovery meetings, too. Meeting so many strong women. It was at that point that I started slowly shifting, over decades, until today when I have far more women, pangender and non-binary friends.

“Women heal together”, we say in recovery meetings, and that has come to be the center of my life.

Tom at table drawing by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes June 1990Brian and Tom, June 1990, ballpoint, 9×12″.

Tom and I were best friends during the year or two of early sobriety when I carried a sketchbook EVERYWHERE I went, and I made so many drawings of him! He was a great friend and companion, and is doing good work today. I am gonna do a separate post with all the pics of him, there are so many!

Kirk Kristlibas Rachel Ketchum and Rob Houston Fall 1990 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesKirk and me and Rob, Fall 1990.

rob h at harriet st 1990 by Suzanne Forbes aka Rachel KetchumKirk Kristlibas, an incredible multi-disciplinary artist, and Rob Houston, another very talented guy, lived in a beautiful flat in Uptown Minneapolis, and I met them my second semester at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

I would go visit them and hang out in their wonderful creative home, which they had painted in rich jewel tones. They also had a tremendous fish tank. More art of Kirk here. Kirk was my dear friend, and we had fun.

Rob was beautiful in the way that I got really messed up by back then, and our friendship was fraught.

kirk me and rob harriet st 1990 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes

kirk and rob harriet st 1990 by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne Forbes

Kirk was easy to draw and I got several good likenesses of him.

I wish that I had made a picture of Rob Houston that captured his beauty as a young man, though.

Sketchbook 1990 fantasy Ani and Gigi by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesMy friend Ani was a big part of my life, until she cockblocked me!

This is a fantasy drawing of Ani and her girlfriend Gigi from 1990. Done on birthday request I believe! Ani and Gigi were one of those lesbian power couples for a long time. Then at one point, Ani left town. Time passed. I met this girl named Liz, who I really liked.

Liz and I had a couple of nice evenings together, I thought she liked me, I was hoping we could get together.

Sketchbook 1992 liz by Rachel Ketchum aka Suzanne ForbesHere’s a picture of Liz I drew then, early 1992.

Then Ani roared back into town on her motorcycle like a blonde metal recovery biker goddess, and Liz forgot I existed and ran off to run around with Ani!

What the hell, Ani.

There are quite a lot of other portraits of friends from this period; however I archived those on the last pass at archiving, in 2009, and they can be found here on my flickr.

Only two of these drawings had ever been photographed; until now, no record of the rest of them existed – if we had a fire or flood they would just be gone forever.

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to take time to document my art archives.

The Pansy’s Birthday shows of Pansy’s House of Presents!

Dalaa for Giezas Poke House June 9 by Suzanne Forbes July 8 2020So many incredible performances for Pansy’s birthday!

Dalaa is a fantastic dancer; she was in the first half of the fab evening on Gieza’s Poke House.

If it were not for lockdown, I might never have gotten a chance to draw beauties like Dalaa. Getting across town to Monster Ronson’s is a huge effect for me, and one I am usually only able to make a couple times a year.

Katana Six for Giezas Poke House June 9 by Suzanne Forbes July 8 2020So I am very glad to be able to see every single Poke House and House of Presents show, for this period of time.

You can watch Gieza’s Poke House and Pansy’s House of Presents in Quarantine EVERY TUESDAY at 21:00 for The Poke House and 22h CET for House of Presents!

And see new-to-the-Pokehouse performers like the marvelous, gorgeous Katana Six!

Alexander Cameltoe for Pansys House of Presents June 9 by Suzanne Forbes July 8 2020Always a joy to see and draw Alexander Cameltoe.

Alexander’s show for Pansy’s birthday started in their workshop, which is loaded with tool goodness. Intergalactic Trash Prince  Alexander answered the Batphone and then proceeded to a gorgeous art-laden altar.

Pansy by Suzanne Forbes July 9 2020Note, I did not draw Pansy on her actual birthday.

She was dressed as an adorable baby, and I do not like children unless they are my friends’ children. So this is a drawing of Pansy from another show, when she was dressed as an adorable diner waitress bunny!

BIG NEWS: Pansy’s Pop-Up Pantry is HAPPENING Aug 2!!!

Pansy has been doing a fantastic series on her Insta stories called Pansy’s Pantry, where she demonstrates the baking of fabulous treats, with recipe, and provides education and tips for activism. Now the Pantry is coming to IRL life for a hot summer day!

You can pre-order her legendary key lime pie for pick-up here!

And always, I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s queer, intersectional drag performers while I work safely at home.