Tag Archives: traditional portraiture for alternative lifestyles

DisabiliTease! An online burlesque show I loved so much.

Noeline la Bouche for Disabilitease by Suzanne Forbes May 28 2020I heard about Disabilitease from the feed of muse Noéline La Bouche, one of the performers.

You can see the drawing I made of her performance above. She is dancing in her apartment, doing one of my favorites of her routines. Noéline is so courageous in talking and sharing about disability in Berlin’s performance scene; she has helped producers understand that some of us have limitations and challenges but are still gonna show up as we can, and be amazing! Follow her here, site here, and my other Noéline drawings here, hereherehere here and here!

Little Peaches for Disabilitease June 21 2020 by Suzanne ForbesThis is Little Peaches!

Little Peaches is an international performer and producer and DisabiliTease is her baby. 18 months ago, a serious flare up of several of her medical conditions left her unable to dance. Being the stubborn renegade stripper that she is, Little Peaches grabbed her wheelchair and re-trained herself to dance with wheels! About booking performers with disabilities, she says:

Performers with disabilities are often overlooked for shows because they may need a little extra help when it comes to making the show accessible for them. That may be having wheelchair or walking aid access, assistance with travel, assistance to and from the stage to aid with visual impairments, BSL interpreters or a quiet space to retreat to if they are feeling overwhelmed. These little things can be surprisingly easy to put into place but more often than not, they aren’t.

Little Peaches welcomed me very kindly to draw the show. She did an amazing routine!

Arielle Firecracker for Disabilitease by Suzanne Forbes August 24 2020Arielle Firecracker is the other half of the Disabilitease team!

Arielle is a gorgeous tattooed bombshell and The Mother of Serpents – she has a snake named Dita 🙂 Check out the project she’s working on, Art & Soul Tribe!

Piggy Rox for Disablilitease by Suzanne Forbes June 21 2020Piggy Rox is so fierce!

I loved getting a chance to draw Roxy, a new-to-me performer.

Lady Phoenix for Disabilitease June 21 2020 by Suzanne ForbesLady Phoenix, trailing fire!

Lady Phoenix is another new-to-me performer, and she was marvelous!

La Nina the Disability Pirate for Disabilitease by Suzanne Forbes May 28 2020This is La Nina the Disability Pirate, with her Spoons hat!

You never know when you’ll need extra spoons. Her spoken word piece was great!

Rosie for Disabilitease by Suzanne Forbes May 28 2020This is Rosie who sang a great song!

I did not agree with her song, which was called “Don’t let a Pornstar tell you who are” – it had a great message but so many people I love are porn performers I take any critique of their profession personally! Rosie is part of the wonderful Invisible Cabaret.

Still working on the drawings of Erin Ball 🙂

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me work safely at home.

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose.


Performers when they’re not performing!

Michele Frances Clark at Crack Bellmer by Suzanne Forbes May 28 2020

Here are two drawings from the last two live shows I went to before self-isolation.

I made this drawing of fellow New Yorker Michele Frances Clark and Sky of @skyandmichele, at the Velvet Creepers show at Crack Bellmer!

I don’t usually draw performers when they aren’t performing, but I looked across the dark club and saw Michele’s character and style and beauty shining like a lamp. I hope I have captured that feeling a little bit. I am sorry I didn’t get her partner, amazing hooper Sky, from the front, but her signature long hair is there!

The Pain Proof Priestess in the dressing room at Torture Garden by Suzanne Forbes Then just a week later I wound up drawing in the dressing room at Torture Garden Berlin.

I made this picture of fantastic, majestic performer Bertoulle Beaurebec, The Pain Proof Priestess, before she changed into her costume. The dressing room was VERY SMALL, and VERY CROWDED. It was simply packed with beautiful people climbing in and out of costumes, mostly latex and leather. I was squished on a little vinyl loveseat with a boy who was threading laces into the gauntlets Sylva Hattington of Bubbles and Frown made to go with the spectacular headpieces she created for the main show. Sylva was frantically busy working on getting people dressed and made up!

I don’t usually go into the dressing room or draw performers when they aren’t fully in costume and on-stage or at least in their public personas. This is because I really value the effort that they make to create their stage selves, and want to honor that as a completed vision. However, in this instance, Ms. Beaurebec was clearly in her priestess self. She was so serene and mighty in her giant boots and robe-like gown, I felt like I was drawing an aspect of the priestess.

Fifi Fantome and Lucille Spielfuchs at Torture Garden July 14 2020 by Suzanne ForbesAnd I was in the dressing room because I was exhausted and feeling overwhelmed some of the night and there weren’t really any chill spaces at the venue, the gorgeous newly-reopened Metropol. I also drew Fifi Fantôme and Lucille Spielfuchs in the dressing room, above! Fifi was changing from a cabaret goth-clown look to a fetish look and I captured her in transition. Fifi has a Patreon now btw, with all kinds of cool stuff!

Also, I want to share a story about what happened at that Velvet Creepers show at Crack Bellmer.

Crack Bellmer is a gorgeous, marvelous venue in the RAW site in Friechrichshain. It reminds me of beloved Oakland warehouse spaces like The Vulcan. There is a sort of deck to the left of the stage, with a huge black couch on it, and that is where I was set up, with my friend and colleague Daniel Paikov. While I was drawing Michelle, a young woman came up to us.

It was during intermission, and the music was loud. The young woman leaned over and said to me, yelling, “Do you have any speed?” Because I was seated on a raised platform and leaning forward to hear her, the spray of spittle from her mouth went right over my glasses and into my eyes.

I was jolted from the shock, and at the same time, Daniel and I both cracked up because she had asked the single person in the room least likely to have any speed. Do people even do speed anymore? We laughed hysterically at her, but at the same time, my mind was racing, trying to remember everything I knew about saliva transmission of Hep C. Apparently, this girl had been going up to every single person in the club and asking if they had speed. Yelling. Probably at a hundred people, mostly drunk.

I knew about SARS-CoV-2, but I was well aware it wasn’t in Berlin yet. It was Friday, February 21st, three days before Jen Spahns announced coronavirus community spread had begun in Germany.

March 1, the morning I came home from Torture Garden at 4am, the first patient in Berlin was announced. I knew that night it was the last event I’d be going to for a long time. Both Sadie, who was sitting with me at TG, and I got sick after the party, and were sick the first week of March. But just colds. Lucky and blessed. It’s unlikely I will go to a public event without a face shield again, which is an acceptable price to pay.

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep working safely at home.

Previous TG Berlin drawings here and here.