Tag Archives: traditional portraiture for alternative lifestyles

Drawing my mom on Zoom, Alfred Ladylike on Youtube, and Janet on Twitch!

portrait of Pat Ketchum drawn via Zoom March 27 2020 by Suzanne ForbesI did this drawing of my mom, Patricia Ketchum, during a Zoom talk.

It was one of the first remote drawings I did! It definitely helps to know the face of the person I’m drawing.

Alfred Ladylike livestreams on Youtube by Suzanne Forbes March 27 2020This is my friend Alfred Ladylike, drawn as they perform a live concert on Youtube last week.

Alfred‘s Patreon is here and their beautiful song “Rainbow Medicine” on youtube is here. Check out the incredible nerdcore rap “Wizards RULE!” here.

Janet posing for Drink and Draw Berlin April 2 2020 by Suzanne ForbesMy friend Janet, who is a wonderful artist, art teacher and artist’s model, posed for the first remote Drink and Draw Berlin.

Janet is a great model and also teaches drawing with DandD Berlin. This livestream was hosted by Julian DIeckert of DandD Berlin, a terrific draughtsman, who offered tips in the splitscreen.

Janet modeling for Drink and Draw Berlin April 2 2020 by Suzanne ForbesDrink and Draw Berlin is working on doing remote sessions going forward!

You can support these free online drawing sessions (and help Janet get paid!) here.

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me work safely at home.


Queeens – Innnn – SPPAAAAACE!!!! Pansy and Gieza support Berlin’s intersectional burlesque and drag performers.

Pansy at the Pansys House of Presents livestream March 31 by Suzanne ForbesYes, that is Counselor Pansy Troi, drawn from her livestream this week!

Every Tuesday Pansy’s House of Presents is livestreaming the show that would have been performed at Monster Ronsons, raising funds to help the club and the performers. Pansy’s twitch is here.

I took a screenshot of the livestream and printed it and cut it out and used it as a background for my remote drawing, photographed and posted it while Pansy was still onscreen. This is some meta stuff babies!!!Gieza Poke for Poke House and Pansys House of Presents livestream March 31 2020 by Suzanne Forbes

Gieza Poke, hostess of pre-show The Poke House, had a virtual trip to the beach!

Gieza’s twitchstream, where the evening of quarantine drag show fun starts, is here.

Niksa for Pansys House of Presents livestream March 31 2020 by Suzanne ForbesWith an amazing bubble-wrap couture look, in the bathtub, Niksa!

Ruth Stoner for Poke House and Pansys House of Presents livestream March 31 2020 by Suzanne ForbesPerformers included Ruth Stoner, doing their first drag show! The Poke House continues to be a platform for emerging drag performers!

Antina Christ for Pansys House of Presents livestream March 31 2020 by Suzanne ForbesHere’s Antina Christ, making a delicious vegan shake!

Luna TikTok for Pansys House of Presents livestream March 31 2020 by Suzanne ForbesFabulous Luna TikTok!

Support the House and buy “Drag Saves Lives” merch here. You can see last week’s drawings of the livestream House of Presents and Pokehouse here. And the performances stay up on the Twitch channels for a week or two too!

I am so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support lets me keep documenting Berlin’s queer, kinky, intersectional drag and burlesque performers while I work safely at home.

As usual these drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) for all to share and enjoy!

In addition, I release the copyright on each drawing to the performer shown and they may use the drawings for their own profit and pleeeasssure in any way they choose.