Tag Archives: Berlin drawing

Drawing my Cyborg Husband!

Physical therapy in Berlin by Suzanne Forbes July 17 2017 My husband got a cyborg upgrade.

Here he is doing physical therapy with the wonderful PT we found in our neighborhood. Health care in Germany is amazing and great and wonderful and we are so very glad we live here.

I make my drawing students at @esdipberlin work hard on foreshortening because you never know when you’ll need to draw some drastically foreshortened body!

Dan at the eiscafe by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2017And here he is eating ice cream or “eis” as we call it here in Germany.

I am starting to feel like maybe…I might want to use some watercolors or even colored pencils on these Kraft paper drawings? Even though that’s crazy talk!

Live Drawing at “Loving the Alien”, Monster Ronson’s Berlin.

Shlomi Wagner as Anastasia at Loving the Alien by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017

Shlomi Wagner as Anastasia at Loving the Alien by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017

I finally went to Monster Ronson’s!

Iggy swan song at Loving The Alien by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017

Iggy’s swan song at Loving The Alien by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017

After a year and a half of passing it whenever I went to and fro from teaching at ESDIPBerlin!

Loving the Alien by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017I went with Suzanne Wegh, to see “Loving The Alien”, a musical that several folks I know are involved in. Delighted surprise when a woman I know was also manning the door!

Iggy and Mandy by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017We were kindly seated in the front row, so I could draw.

It was a great show with really terrific songs, a cracking band and fabulous dancers.

Spaceman at Loving the Alien by Suzanne Forbes July 20 2017Lots of homage not just to Bowie but to other icons of glam like my beloved T. Rex.

Afterwards I went backstage and finished my drawings while the performers changed, just like Degas or Toulouse-Lautrec, except gayer and with more glitter!

Further info with performer name links as I get them sorted, the drawings are licensed Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs and can be downloaded here.